Snap a picture of your rigger set up with the shark attached. Maybe we can see something that way. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Hmm, I run 17#sharks with blacks releases on mag 10 sts....never had that happen, and I let em Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Skywatcher, Ohio is now on Cuomo's travel advisory list. Mandatory 14 day quarantine in NY if traveling from OH. If caught without quarantine means fines. Be cautious and aware. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Fished 8am-11:30...power plant 65-90 down 380- 420 fow. 3 for 5...2 kings 1steelie to the boat. Hooked into one over 389 fow on a wire deeper diver 100 out. Tore off 300 ft initial run and wound up 500 out....fought for 30 minutes to get back to 200 and pulled the hook...shoulda, coulda Waves kicked up and called it quits. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
It is the same course as the pwc course. And you can have the anchor insignia added to your drivers license so you don't have to carry the seperate card with you. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I run the trollmaster 3 on my 9.9 has a wireless remote now instead of the old cabled controller. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Late day troll 2 steelhead, 1 16# king, lost a meat hit on a dipseys back 180. Graph was when we were packing up at dusk on the way in. Hits came 275- 300fow riggers down 40- 60. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Fished 2pm-7pm. Finished the day 7 for 9, 1 small steelhead, 6 kings...21#, 20# 17#, 14# and a few juvies. Trolled straight north out of Olcott 60- 80 down over 230-325 fow. Turned southest toward the microwave tower, then west in 230 back to original line and North again. Ended the trip with the 21# and 17# double. All fish caught on north troll, and west troll. Spnidoctor/ atomic pro/am fly took 4 hits, DW Mag NBK took the 21# down 80ft on the rigger. DW Mag Seasick Waddler took a few. Lake flattened out nicely as the day progressed. Sent from my LM-V405 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I bought one this past season. I'm a large guy, so it's a bit tight in the seat. Thought it'd be a bit wider. Other than that, no problems. Sent from my XT1585 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
The other thing to consider, also, is installing something like a troll master module so you can control the kicker motor speed remotely. Sent from my XT1585 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Mine was on the motor when I bought the boat...however, this is what my bracket looks like and comes up as the part number on the 9.9 schematics. Available at Crowley Marine Products as well as other vendors.
Bracket Kit (Black) 96186A2
Did a maintenance run out of Olcott.. Towards the smokestack... Fishing 180 fow 50 down... Just testing some equipment but threw some spoons on the riggers... Brought 6 in the boat, 2 smalls, the other 4 were 16-21#. Fished from 6:45p-8:30. Snuck back into harbor just before the fireworks off the pier ins.
Sent from my XT1585 using Lake Ontario United mobile app