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June 1, 2018
Last visited
Saturday at 11:36 AM
Everything posted by Stein22
I think your figuring it out brother. Hope all is well.
Dipsys rods, okuma lead core, copper set up sold.
Dipsey lot
3- size 0
1- size 1
2- size 3
1- slide diver.
3 snubbers.
$55. All used in working order
Yakima flashers lot $80
55 Treble hooks assorted size but all big for spots/meat and flies. $10
Okuma Copper leadcore rod $45
Dipsey Diver rod/reel set ups $100
Okuma 300 copper set up $80 never used
New Shimano tdr trolling rod $25
2 tx44 planer boards $40
800 yards of 150lb planer board line yellow. $50
Call or text Eric 5853146553
Daiwa accudepth 47 lc. Qty 3 and rods. one has a broken clicker switch but other than that function as they should. $120
Riverside float rod reel $80
Shimano convergence rod, Amazon reel (idk the brand) $80
Bearings swapped to the smr stainless ceramic bearings. Same as used in colville reels. Both float great. Just not time to stream fish.
Located in Webster NY p/u only.
That I bay launch looks like the same disaster of a cluster f that it was before. Hopefully it's marked and laid out differently but not looking promising
South Bay boat and tackle on empire serviced a friend's of mine while it was under warranty still. They may be autorized
What's the width at the base?
I would def be interested to n a tourney like that. May have to make it like one day out of a week tho. Being small boat sometimes the o won't play nice and may not allow small boats to get in the lake. So having a wide array of dates might be beneficial.
Nice looking boat. Great motor. All welded. Can't imagine this will last long. Good luck with the sale!
Try breakers or the bay not sure about the old state launch think it's west point now figured that's on the opposite side of the bay anyway from ya but worth a shot if the two others won't.
State launch north end has one dock in
Ok let me see what I can figure out for a day to come take a look. U have a reg it says correct?
Are the bunks adjustable?
Update they're up to 40% off now looks to be some good stuff left still
No 75 is a steal as it lies today. I am currently making a bracket up to mount the reels to. I will be utilizing the reels posted and will put my old mast and bracket(homemade) with the skis for sale.
Southbay boat and tackle is closing and having 30% off sale. They have a ton of gear. They're located in Rochester but also have a website and will take online orders as well. Just a heads up to the community. Tons of stream fishing trolling terminal tackle etc.
One set was pole mounted*
I actually received two sets of reels when I purchased the bundel. On set was potounted these mounted to a bracket on the guys boat that I bought from. He made one up to mount on the now of his boat. I do not have a picture. Skis and reels are in good shape just have to figure out how you will mount them.
Boards and reels still available. Buyer could not pick up.
Planer boards n reels pending payment/pickup