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June 18, 2018
Last visited
August 20, 2024
How much depth will the various added snap weights add to my 27# leadcore, 45# copper and weighted steel? 4 oz.?? 8 oz. @ 2.5 mph??
Ugh! Better luck next time. Off to bed now! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Slow for us this afternoon. Had no real intel to go on, so headed out to 300 and didn’t find any bait or marks. Looked around for fish with poor results. Headed NE and managed 3 steelhead in 440 FOW. One on wire Dipsy back 80 with F/F and the other braid dipsy 120 w green and black spoon. Pulled lines and went looking for marks with no luck. Came into 320 and had a couple bait balls and took a 2 year old king on rigger down 80 on green and black spin doctor and fly. Tons of water fleas and lots of salad. You really need to check your lines frequently to clean them off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be happy to share our intel (hopefully we figure out a couple things). We'll be on the road late morning so probably won't be posting. Give me a call Friday noonish or after. 715 977-2425
Great job! It’s always a great time to put someone, especially kids, onto a big king!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Planning to fish out of Olcott starting Wednesday evening thru Friday morning. Haven't been over for 2 years!
Can someone tell me where I can buy some "meat" over that way? Sounds like a couple places we used to stop at are no longer in business. TIA!
Would enjoy working with some other anglers on the water.
What channel do most people use out of Olcott?
Thanks for the report. Heading to Olcott Wednesday.
Thanks for report! I'll do my best to report each day!
Thanks for report. Planning to fish Olcott Wednesday evening thru Friday morning. Would enjoy working with others.
Thanks for your reports all week! So glad you were able to get back on the lake for your annual week of fishing! Keep in touch and I’ll try to bring my boat over next year and tag along! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thanks for the report Dave! Glad you made it out with the NE winds! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thanks for report. Glad you’re getting’ em! Hope your weather holds! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
And you’re the guy who insisted that I allow you to change out my swivels for (I think) Spro coast lock swivels!!! [emoji12] (Whenever I lose a fish because of broken line or failed terminal tackle, I always blame myself! (WTG! Thanks for the report!) Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Great job buddy and great report! So glad you got 'em! Save a couple for me. Your winds look good for next couple days, so I hope you can stay on them!
Joe, loved the video, especially the "yawning buddy" standing right next to the rigger that had to be peeling drag!! Gets me fired up! Hope to work with you next summer!