yeah that was similar to my experience as well. Most of the strikes were at 40-50 feet in 60-80 FOW. Fun to watch them chasing the jig on the sonar screen!
well, I got close and learned a lot in the process, but wasn't able to get one in the boat.
Had a good size fish hook up at 70 feet, but broke off my leader pretty quickly. My fault for only using 6-lb fluoro I had leftover from ice-fishing season instead of getting some 10-12 lb stuff.
I also got 6-8 additional strikes over a few hours fishing, but wasn't able to set the hook. Is there some trick to the technique with the way lakers take a lure? I wasn't setting the hook as aggressively as I would on a largemouth bass, just lifting the rod tip a couple feet as soon as I felt the tap and maintaining tension on the line. Strikes were always on the retrieve, never felt one on the drop though could have missed some without any line tension on a fast-sinking jig. I wonder if they are feeling the unnatural weight of the big ball of lead in the head and shaking the hook out?
All the strikes were on the goby tube, with a 1 oz jig head. No action on the bucktail. Was not able to find a 4-5" white tube locally so I will order some online.
Fish finder was fairly active as I drifted slowly over 60-90 FOW. I used the drift sock to slow the canoe down the 0.3 MPH in general. Most of the bait fish schools were at 15-25 feet, or 40-50 feet. Should I be targeting bait fish, rather than solitary lakers holding on the bottom?
I had the Garmin set on 77 kHz CHIRP (45 degree 3 dB beamwidth), as the 200 kHz frequency was so narrow (15 degree 3 dB beamwidth) that I lost my jig on the drift even at less than 0.5 MPH. Am I kidding myself by watching an area that large? A 45-degree beam illuminates a 100-foot diameter circle at 100 FOW, so I'm probably seeing fish that are nowhere near my jig.
headed up to my parents' place on Cayuga next week. Eastern shore about a mile south of Milliken power plant. Hoping to jig up my first lake trout. Did a bit of scouting over a long weekend about a month ago, marked some fish on my Garmin echoMap sonar, but couldn't hook up.
I'll be in a canoe - I have an electric trolling motor and a drift sock to keep me stationary and jig as vertical as possible. I have some 3/4-oz jig heads and some plastics. Also some spoons.
Any tips on what type of depth and structure to begin my search? What depth is the thermocline this time of year? Best time of day and weather to find active feeding lakers? Should I search for baitfish, or solitary lakers?
On my scouting trip, I found the 77 kHz wide cone angle worked better since I was drifting away from my jig as it fell. Hopefully the drift sock will slow me down enough.
thanks guys! Had a lot of success with live bait (nightcrawlers and perch minnows) under a bobber about 18" down. Kids filled up two stringers with yellow perch, and only 2 gobies the entire weekend.
I'll pick up some Gulp minnows for the next trip - do you get the smallest size for perch? I see they sell them from 1" up to 4" long in various color patterns
Last time I was up on Cayuga fishing for yellow perch with my kids, they were catching 3 round goby for every perch. Is there any way to avoid the goby stealing bait? We usually cast a drop shot rig with some live bait right off the dock. That worked fine for years, but it seems like the goby are getting more plentiful in my area. Is there a certain water depth to find perch without goby? Or any type of bait or rig the goby won't hit?