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July 15, 2018
Last visited
April 22, 2021
Everything posted by Char3bmw
Okay. Great. Thanks for your input
Do you have any pictures of the mounts by chance. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to mount one if I do it. Thanks for your time and help
I was wondering if the 20hp would do it or not. I have been told I would be better off to go with a 30hp. My other concern is if I remove swim platform I have no energy way to get back in the boat. Im pretty sure that is a coast guard requirement.
Just wondering if anyone has put kicker motor on tiara 3100 open or any similar boats. Looking for ideas for mounting, controls and good size to push boat? Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Just wondering if anyone has had problems with their panther t5? My motor is dead and I can't find any online. Panther is sold out. Has anyone figured out what kind of motor they are using in them? It kind of looks like a window regulator motor or a wiper motor of some kind. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I just bought some on eBay for 78 each with free shipping. I love them. Should have done it sooner. Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Do you still have these. I'm interested if you do Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Where are you located Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Looking for a camp to rent for the week of harborfest around Oswego. Anything out there? Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm going to be out there next weekend. Then it will probably be father's day weekend again. Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
When are you going to be around Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I know mikes. I used to fish out of Mexico for years. Had a seasonal site at dowie Dale Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm in Vermont and fish out of Oswego NY. My boat is at Wright's landing. Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Where are you located Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Do you still have Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
T Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
These are the only pictures I have other then a bunch of fishing ones. The boat is in Oswego and I won't be going back out until the 11th.
Depends on what you want with it. I'm planning on taking off most of my electronics, downriggers and kicker motor if not wanted with boat. Average selling price of this boat in nada is 22,400 without fishing equipment. Thanks
Boat is in good shape. New 330hp 350ci engine last summer. New canvass curtains around cabin last summer. New barrier coating and bottom paint last summer. New water pump and resealed outdrive this spring. New bilge pump 2 weeks ago. New wash down pump last fall. And the list goes on and on. Looking to upgrade to a larger fishing boat. I have done tons of work to this boat. Will sell with or without fishing equipment. Name and decals have been removed this spring when buffing and waxing boat.
Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Do you still have your boat Sent from my XT1650 using Lake Ontario United mobile app