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  1. Steelbird

    Sold / Closed 2016 210 Fishmaster

    2015 StarCraft Fishmaster 210 2015 Yamaha F 200 Four Stroke with digital Troll Controll 50 rpm increments. Vantage Tandem Axle Trailer. $ 41500.00 for all listed below. Sold back in January off this site, not sure what final sale price was.
  2. Steelbird

    Sold / Closed 2016 210 Fishmaster

    I wouldn't pay more than 40k
  3. Rusty - Do you have an electric motor on the bow & batteries in the front storage compartment to help balance out the weight?
  4. Steelbird

    Sold / Closed 2016 210 Fishmaster

    I've been looking at the pics alot, but at 50K it's still too much for me. If you'd remove a few more things that I don't need, I'd have to take a hard look. But realistically, we're a ways off and I should keep looking. Thanks.
  5. If these are still available, I'll give you $25. for both. Thanks.
  6. Are these still available? I would probably offer you $60. for both.
  7. Steelbird

    Sold / Closed 2016 210 Fishmaster

    Beautiful boat but it's out of my price range. I've been looking for a Fishmaster 196 & saw yours. Does the MinnKota have the Ipilot link? I assume it's the 112# thrust 36V 72" shaft? How much without the rod holders? I don't need the marine radio or the fishfinder either. If you got the price down to the low 40's, we might be able to make a deal.
  8. Yeah I do, but that depends on what I'm buying, the year, what kind of shape the boat is in, and how it's equipped. A 2011 I'd be interested in. What are you asking for yours? Could you send me some pics to my email (Danoc@roadrunner.com) and tell me a little about it? We can go from there. Thanks.
  9. 1999 is too old, looking for one less than 10 year old. Thanks for the reply
  10. Looking for a Starcraft Fishmaster 196 less than 10 years old. The more fish equipment the better.
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