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August 5, 2018
Last visited
March 5
Everything posted by Fishmaster196
great info its my favorite time to fish also. Thanks for sharing definitely gets the juices flowing can't wait.
Nice informative video im a cannon fan aswell.
x3 on the Suzuki best kicker i've ever owned. I have run it for 7 seasons without a single issue.
Mr Winters looks like you had an awesome trip with Mr Hajecki. Looked like perfect wind conditions you have to love lake Ontario brown trout fishing. An absolute incredible fishery. Rick did you get rid of the lund ? Nice new ride and setup.
Saw a bunch on e-bay also alot of different colors.
There is a very good article on this very subject in the IN -Fisherman oct-nov issue. Seems that may be the new trend is to go to just one large unit instead of all the clutter of 2 or 3 units on your dash. On some of the new units your able to go to 4 split screen views of all the information you want and need. Customizing to your liking.
Every time I go to lake Erie and walk the shoreline there is more and more beach. I have never seen it so low. I am worried if we don't get some snow pack this winter or some serious rain we are going to have some trouble launching at some of the launch sites. I am sure all of the lakes are Experiencing it at some level. I don't know if they let out to much water this fall on the St Lawrence or what's going on were definitely in a drought any other thoughts.
I never had any luck running any type of diver on mono line. IF you run 40lb braid or 30lb wire you shouldn't have any problems. I personally run 30lb wire with the dreamweavers and have never had any issues.
Can't go wrong with capt. Frank campbell great guy niagaracharters.com.
Daiwa SG17LC excellent condition $100
Church Tackle stern planer $15
Church Tackle TX22 Special inline board. Can be run left or right $25
Pickup in Southtowns
What is everyone's favorite cleaner for vinyl boat floors. Something you don't have to scrub to death thanks for your replies.
I think Gi he is referring to traveling from grand island .
You cant beat interstate batteries for price and longevity,but i guess its what you have good luck with.
Always awesome to get out fishing with your dad. Anytime is a good time to make memories.
Looks like those boys had an awesome time.Nice report.
Awesome report as usual very detailed. Thank you for your time and way to get after them.
They look like some nice quality fish way to go.
Nice report looks like you had a productive day.
Awesome report saw the new ride in the slip this morning beautiful boat way to get after them.
Awesome report and some great looking baits way to go .
Nice report looks like you had a great time.
Nice catch looks like some good eats.
Awesome action and love the boat way to go .
Thank you very much Legacy appreciate it.
Where exactly is the port of rochester.