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Everything posted by Beagler

  1. I too bought a boat January 2020 and bought it after running it on a hose. No regrets.
  2. Looking to add a couple fish shaped flashers to my collection of paddles and Spindoctors mostly when running meat. What brand,size and colors are preferred on lake O? Thanks. Brian
  3. Sold. Thanks LOU.
  4. I had the same issue. I bought the more current model from Fish307. The hole is round with flat sides. Using a dremel, I was able to create the proper shape. Worked for a couple of years until I sold the boat and riggers. No reason to believe that they are not still working.
  5. The ones I received seem easy to release out of the package. They are adjustable like any other disk style diver however.
  6. Where are you located?
  7. PM Sent.
  8. Bump.
  9. Bump
  10. I have some divers coming for the spring season. I intend to try them for central basin walleye as well...m
  11. Preferably size #2. Thanks. Brian
  12. I would mount to the top hand rails.
  13. Thank you very much
  14. Any size and generation?
  15. I have a Lowrance HDS Gen 2. What can I connect to it with an ethernet cable? Thanks. Brian
  16. Agreed.
  17. East Springfield PA 16411
  18. $30 shipped
  19. Dreamweaver, Walker, LJ and Fish Seeker. $70/OBO shipped
  20. I have a complete set ready to fish. It has the seat base mount. Includes Mast with manual reels, boards, spectra braid line, snubbers, 28 releases hooked to tow line as well as 19 releases that are loose. This came with a boat I bought last year but I'm an inline guy. I'm near Erie, PA but willing to travel a bit of required. $350/OBO open to trades ff/gps combo. Convector reels, Traxstech stuff, mag offshore boards.
  21. The previous owner of my boat installed Cisco 18" rear tracks and 48" butted up against them in front. I want to move the tracks forward another 6". I thought about putting the 18" tracks up front then leaving a space of about 6 inches and moving the 48 to the rear. Will an 18" track support a quad tree with 2 salmon or 4 walleye inline boards? This is on a 2012 Crestliner Raptor 1850.
  22. I have some new tires coming soon and wonder of i should perform any other care on the hubs while I'm at it. The hubs have bearing buddies. Should I just pump them full and call it good?
  23. On the western end of the lake? Say Oak west...
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