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Everything posted by Cheezman

  1. We have an '88 Sabre with a 4.3 V6, if you think they are the same, I can get you a measurement from our seats sometime early next week if that would help you. Let me know. Sorry, can't help you on your other questions Tom
  2. Please check your PM Bill. I'll take the walleye boards as stated before in my comment....thanks
  3. Your message says you'd take the 44's....
  4. Hello...anyone out there ???? Not answering comments or PM's...what's up????
  5. I'll take the walleye boards...where are you located? PM sent
  6. Do you have the necessary paperwork from the previous owner for the trailer? Is the hardtop removable?
  7. You got a better pic...hard to see What size are the Hot n Tots ?
  8. What size are they?? PM sent
  9. More pics...location??
  10. Any idea how much this boat weighs? Thanks
  11. Are those the only 2 you have?
  12. Are the Pro Kings spoons on the right, mags or regulars?
  13. PM sent Aaron...I want these !!!
  14. Ok..thanks
  15. Do you have the spoons on the top edge of the pic?
  16. To me or someone else??? Please answer my PM's I sent you..thanks
  17. I'll take them all !!! PM sent
  18. How much are the 10lb fish weights? Thanks
  19. Where you located?
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