I also launched out of Wilson this morning. Fished mostly in the mid 60’s with most catches coming from near the bottom. Top producer was a long flat copper spoon I originally put down for lakers but ended up catching more kings. Here’s a few highlights:
So does one only get their own limit if he actually fights the fish himself? It is a common occurrence to see fish being given away on the tributaries in the fall.
The Boat Doctors in Olcott are reporting that all launches are closed. They are located only a half mile from the Newfane launch:
I am not really sure to be honest. I had crankbaits with different sized lips set 75-100 feet behind the inline boards and rigged some with .75 oz. snap weights. I assume that the unweighted baits were running no deeper than 20 ft. and the weighted ones about 30. The Yakima baits Maglips have pretty substantial lips on them. Most marks on the screen were about halfway down the water column at any given depth. I had my rigger w/ a spoon set to 35 with a free slider but didn’t pick up any hits on it.
We fished Olcott today from 9-4:30. Started an East troll in the shallows for browns but went out a little deeper at about 1. We ended the day 5-9 with 2 lakers, 2 kings, and a coho. We fished a variety of deep diving crankbaits in 40-60 FOW out front with a few light snap weights scattered around the spread. Most of the catches were on variants of silver mag lips but 1 or 2 fish came on a silver hot n tot. 2 of the fish came on a four color lead core down the chute. We couldn’t buy a bite on spoons.
Does anybody have any tips for targeting lakers out of Olcott this time of year? I am going out for browns (and hopefully kings!) tomorrow and thought I might target Lakers if there is a midday lull. Are techniques in spring the same as later in the season (spin-n-glos, dodgers, cowbells)? I imagine they are more bottom structure/baitfish oriented this time of year? Thanks for any help.
Launched at 7 out of Olcott this morning and went 6-8 trolling East. The action was hot for the first hour and a half or so then dropped off significantly. Green spoons and brown stick baits were our top producers. Our first fish was a little salmon, next were the browns, and finished the day off with a dirty drop-back steelhead. Water temp was 45-46 on the surface and best producing GPS speed was 2.4 mph. We only fished from 8-15 feet deep except for in front of the piers.
Caught a 15 pound king 100 feet down in 300 fow on the rigger about an hour ago. It took a dreamweaver two face. Other than that we’ve caught nothing but fleas.
Trolled west out of Olcott to Wilson and back in the new boat from 6 PM to 2 PM today. 120-200 FOW. We caught ~15 fish.Mostly 4-5 lb. kings with a 9 pounder and a 4 pound laker while pulling lines in to go home. The boat is not yet fully equipped but we made the best of it. We fished one rigger 60 feet down with a free slider, one dipsy 90 feet back, and two inline boards with snap weights on each side. We fished only spoons today simply because there was never a need to change baits. The first 1/3 of the fish were caught on the rigger/slider, the next 1/3 came on the in-line boards, and the last few were on the dipsy with the exception of the lake trout. Hot patterns today were watermelon, mixed veggies, Finn glow green smelt, and carbon-14.