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  1. Oh yes. We frequent the area. Love it up there.
  2. Spent 3 days on the water. All 3 windy days. Made for difficult trolling at times. Trolled worm harness on deep shoals and along shipping channel. Didn't hook any walleyes. Protected areas were good fishing. Didn't catch a big pike but several smaller ones where hungry. Lots of perch caught. A couple nice bass and a Bowfin smashed my spinnerbait. Bass and Perch made it to the frying pan. We had an excellent camping trip.
  3. Nice catch. Excellent fish fry. I'll be trying my luck next week.
  4. Stop by Woodys Tackle on Rt. 3 in Port Ontario. They will be able to tell you all you want to know.
  5. I was there Monday 7/19. Launch and creek ok. Out through Channel I had 2.0-2.5'. My first attempt out was in the morning fog. Got off channel and dragged my skig on flat rock. Once I could see, no problem. There are some of the small channel markers covered with grass. Makes them hard to see. Also I have small boat. 16.5' with 25 hp. But there some exposed flat rock spots. I looked just to my right and there was a seagull, standing there. If it's foggy I would wait it out. We did catch Lakers so good luck.
  6. Put in at Stoney Creek. Was to foggy to get out on the lake. So did a little pike fishing. Fog lifted and headed for the Wall. Found Lakers in 100 'to 120' trolling along the wall. Hammerhead Spinners in silver and glow green. Chartreuse green with black dots Kwikfish. Caught 4 small ones. My wife Debbie is good with the net. Got my cannonball stuck on the ledge at 100' but got it freed. A good trip.
  7. Good fishing.
  8. It was to windy for my boat to make it out the the Trench today. Back up plan. Chaumont Bay Perch for fish fry dinner. Today waves 1 foot or less. Well give it a try.
  9. That looks awesome.
  10. Nice trout. I know that spot well.
  11. I use 8lb. I have a small boat. Tough to judge by the angle. Fourtunitly I can see them on my sonar. I work with that.
  12. I agree. I was up there over the weekend. Only could get out one out of four days. No bites.
  13. Ok
  14. Excellent. Enjoy and good luck fishing. I'll be up there fishing also this weekend.
  15. I'll be there Labor Day weekend. Have been staying there for years. We like it. Nothing fancy. Bob's a great guy.
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