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Everything posted by Jenney1

  1. Jenney1

    for sale : usa Motors for Sale

    Yes it's still available. Located in candor NY
  2. Jenney1

    for sale : usa Motors for Sale

    Motors for Sale: 225 Yamaha V6 2-Stroke Excel Outboard Motor (Hydraulic Motor), and a 9.9 Mercury trolling motor. Both motors come with the throttle box and cables. 225 Yamaha: Asking $3,000 - Runs fine. No issues. 9.9 Mercury: Asking $500 - Put new fuel filter in before winterizing. Both motors still attached to boat. Prefer you pick-up. Contact Information for any questions: Brian Henry @ tiogaco549@gmail.com or 607-972-9165
  3. are these still available
  4. ok i am interested if the sale does not go through
  5. do you still have the 2 single pole mast
  6. Are they still available
  7. Are these still available
  8. Are these still available
  9. Just wondering if the masts are still available. I will be traveling to Syracuse this weekend for military drill
  10. What size are the stingers
  11. My 9.9 Yamaha is still for sale if interested my email is tiogaco549@gmail.com or cell 607-972-9165
  12. I have this 9.9 Yamaha 4 stroke $1,000.00
  13. I have a 1991 9.9 yamaha 4 stroke kicker motor I'm thinking on selling for 1k
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