we fished over on the wolfe island side and have picked up some walleyes , try to work the sharp drop off area. between 30 and 60 ft of water, you can go online and get a canadian license, they have day license or other options. we have had some luck running gold deep husky jerk lures. a couple of weekends ago we caught a very nice 5.5 walleye directly across from linda island. there is a nice drop off so try to stay right in that drop off area. also on the west north side of carlton island, you can drop shot and let the current bring you up to 30 ft of water then move back out and work that ridge during the evening hours. also try to fish in front of millens bay, had some good luck there also. good luck
we started out the season with 800 series lures with out much luck. we ran a orange one a few weeks ago and popped a 5.5 lb walleye. any one have any advice on what series to run and which colors seem to work best? we ended up running our rapalla deep husky jerks in gold has seemed to work best this yr
they are considered a migratory bird , as such these birds are a federally protected species, so before you start loading canons on your boats, double barrel shot guns and any other pea shooter you may have available to you. you may want to look into the legality of shooting these birds. also i would highly recommend not shooting any of these birds in Canadian waters as I'm sure there fish and game patrols would arrest you and confiscate your boat. while i too do not like the number of these birds in our waters maybe writing the ny dept of fish and game to complain would be the best avenue to take. federal fines can be expensive and they are a federally protected species. we are all supposed to be sportsman out fishing and as such we should respect all wildlife. we should also learn all we can before we act. hunting rules need to be followed just like our fishing rules. the ny dec has been acting to reduce the number of cormorants so maybe a friendly reminder to them that we are still seeing a large population of them would help.
there has been a lot of boats up on carlton island drop shotting i believe at night. 60 to 30 foot of water. night time fishing.
but thats a hike from alex bay. maybe some one else will chime in.
thanks guys for the help. its a big river out there and a lot of water. always love to hear input from others on how to fish the river. we where down near Picton island and picked up bass and some nice pike. we also picked up a 35 inch northern pike 11 lbs. 20 to 30 feet of water off howe island. deep diving rapala husky jerk gold in color. thanks again
i run into the waves, reason being it makes for a lot more comfortable ride on the way back in if the lake kicks up. i run a 19 ft open bow. we catch fish running either direction.
i have ran 4 rods off my 14 foot row boat , we also have a 8.5 foot wide 19 ft boat. we run 2 down riggers with 4 rods, and 2 dipsys off the sides. but it is really pushin it. thats my max
we are up near the cape area. yes the water is a little lower than average this yr. 244.95 so it is a droppin.. lol we should be at 245.53 ish so about 6 inches low. been a good fishing yr on the river. with some of the best coming.. yahoo