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Everything posted by Captsmate

  1. Is fishing any good on lake Ontario in the afternoon/evening
  2. I'm looking to troll Henderson area looking for some Akers kings or browns is there any reports out there..thanks
  3. I'm thinking about heading out of Henderson harbor tomorrow. Any body have a lake trout salmon brown trout report.june13
  4. Start simple..change spark plug
  5. Just curious..I'm getting ready to head up to st.lawrence river. Do some boating and fishing..I was hoping it was a bit high..
  6. Can I get a report on the water level on the st.lawrence clayton area.
  7. Wow that's a beauty..I got one on a stinger..green an white..19lbs out of oswego
  8. Yes ..if I put in gear in the water at trolling speed it's the same clack
  9. It's brand new..less than 20hrs..
  10. Yes it has a problem ..it has that same clacking sound while underway..
  11. No just in forward
  12. I have a 2021 mercury outboard ..40hp with 20 hrs on it..so when boat is on trailer (not running) and I shift into forward I can spin prop and I hear a clicking sound. Is this normal?
  13. I looking for a pair of cannon easi troll downriggers for sale
  14. Hey everyone..I just pickup a 2014 40hp mercury 4 stroke. I'm looking for someone who has this motor that can help me figure out the rigging as far as plugging in control box and plugging in tachometer at the motor end. Maybe a clear picture of that area ..I'd hate to pay a marina ..thanks in advance...Doug
  15. I'd have to think those small mouth are a little confused on where to spawn with the low water.
  16. Sounds like a good day tho..thanks for update..
  17. Wow that is bad..any luck?
  18. My crew an I will be headed up shortly to fish st.lawrance.around alex.bay. I was wonder what I can expect as far as the water level? . Thank you in advance..D
  19. Im good with catch and release ..thanks..i use to hold the record for musky 55lbs its just been awhile since i been up there for them
  20. I was thinking about doing some fall musky fishing what do you guys think would be the best month/week to hit st Lawrence for those musky fish?
  21. So your thinking earlier?
  22. Hows the second week of september for say kings browns trolling lake.
  23. Good stuff thank you
  24. I have to know ..can i run a flasher and a dodger at the same time or do i need to be at different speeds for each?
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