I was up near Vincent around opener, but the water was real high and cold it was difficult to find active fish. They were either in shallow weeds, which were almost nonexistent, or up high over deeper water. There are 2 types of fish in that area, migratory and resident muskies. The open water lake fish move in and out with fall to spring migration following bait fish and accessing spawning habitat. But there definitely are big fish that live there year round.
Are you only trolling? In a river setting jigging can be productive even in the day time with higher pressure and boat traffic.
Target weed edges with flow around them, current breaks/eddies, the edge of flats that have access to deep water, and open water in the middle of large bays. The fish relate to food and usually if any other species perch, bass, drum, walleye, suckers is abundant in an area, there are probably muskies hanging around. Driving around and watching electronic's is key there. Sometimes you can find tons of bait 20 down out over 120 feet of water with big hooks around it in SLR