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Everything posted by pdsalmon

  1. I realize it has been bumpy, has anyone got any reports from either port? thanks in advance,
  2. Did you fish at all? Looked bumpy.
  3. We have not done much this year. Probably our last trip and was crazy finish. Glad we had two nets.
  4. Fished Oak Orchard this evening. Had 4 on in 10 mins. Landed 3 of the 4.
  5. What Port were you fishing out of Gill-T? Thanks in advance.
  6. Nice, we pick up one on 80' on carbon 14 down 60
  7. Right, I'm not in tournament. Probably wish I was.
  8. What depth of water you targeting?
  9. Any more action? Pretty slow here. I'm in 80'.
  10. We fished 85 fow, got 2 on meat. Just wondering what FOW you were in. Thanks
  11. Been 44 years together. Still going strong.
  12. Thanks for the infor Zach. Nice fish.
  13. Fished last night out of Olcott. Started in 400', 48 down on rigger. Caught 5 Kings 1-4#'s and 1 Steelhead. Monday night got about an 8# King in shallower, 130'. Not a huge King but was enough to make my Grandson happy for his first salmon.
  14. Never figured that, it's a thought.
  15. We did the same thing, snagged one.
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