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Everything posted by Jomat

  1. Couple of observations from my first year running one of these multiple scan transducers. * salmon fishing out of Oswego this summer I was able to mark a baitball on sidescan that I would not have seen in traditional or downscan. Staying on that baitball allowed us to get 7 bites in 2ish hours and basically paid for itself imo with that one trip. * downscan has been really helpful out at Erie locating bottom composition transitions where Waldo was hanging out in the spring time. Stopped using it after about June when fish went deeper and started suspending...anything over 50 fow and it hasn’t been terribly useful for me. * I basically traded gps mapping for a 9” screen by going with the Garmin striker 9” that has really basic/not upgradable mapping. Instead for mapping I mounted my iPad in the boat and used navionics with a stand alone gps. Navionics is powerful and the touch screen on my iPad works way better than the touch/buttons on the fishfinders out there...even the fancy lowrances. * I’m still looking at the traditional chirp most of time and it’s awesome for seeing how fish are reacting to your downrigger...but having the 9” screen and being able to layer in sidescan and downscan can be really handy.
  2. I’ll go in halves with you. Sending you a pm.
  3. Wow did I learn this lesson the hard way this year.
  4. Fishing out there is stupid easy once the Ohio fish show up but everyone who fishes for Waldo knows how color sensitive they can be...even when the bite is good, and it’s different depending on your harbor and the water color/light conditions/forage where ur fishing. At the end of the day these spin n glow colors are tailored to west coast salmon and steelhead fisherman. Awesome tho that you guys have found an alternative that outfishes the old school Lake Erie spinner rigs....which I HATE (not speed tolerant, excessive by-catch, etc.)
  5. I think it would be lights out up on the river too...better than spinners. I need someone willing to do an airbrush job on these things.
  6. Glad to see he’s got purple ones now...guess I have to order some...god I hate running crawler harnesses tho. How bad is your bycatch of white perch on these things.
  7. https://pronavmarine.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgJbwl9W_5AIVT1uGCh0isQQBEAAYASAAEgJ2jfD_BwE check these guys out. Thinking about adding this to my power drive v2 next year. Allows you to import navionics and overlay your routes on bottom contours. Will be so money for walleye fishing.
  8. Had one eat a spin n glow rig behind a set of cowbells 2 weeks ago. Saw the fish on the graph go down to bottom in 70’ to eat it.
  9. I’ll buy lot 3 off you. Will pm you details
  10. If you change your mind about separating the rod holders I could use 4 of them.
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