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  1. i always thought older people could be rude. now that i am one of the older people i figured it out. were just tired of dealing with stupid
  2. i use them to start fires
  3. hello if you still have this give me best blow out price could use it as a spare if mine fails thx todd
  4. just got back home monday from 2 week fishing out of olcott big kings far and few between bite was off shore spoons did the best fish were high 50 ft and up it was like 41 deg 55 down almost evey were got limit most days if it wasnt for the steelhead would have been tuff got a 17 lb one other pic was my best day size wise
  5. thanks guys i wanted to pre order a case of Familiar Bite herring for my trip there in August any other ideas
  6. can anyone tell me the name of that little bait shop in Olcott across the river from marina i think theres a ice cream shop next to it thanks Todd
  7. if the 6 spin doctors still available i will take the thx todd

    1. Persistence


      Billy Joe the spin doctors are available. 

      My PayPal is: [email protected]

      Thank you

  8. 8ft or 8.5 for wire i looked at okuma roller and white diamond no one has them or if anyone has other suggestions
  9. looking for some shorter rods for inside diver will buy new if someone knows who has any thx todd
  10. i run lines no more than 10ft different then resetting lines not a problem so if far line catches slide other 2 out and far line becomes inside line when you put it back out if you want to run different depths set lines longer on one side example starboard side 65 70 75 port 85 90 95 if one side starts catching adjust other the same you can use different baits from side to side also till you figure them out
  11. my boat is a monark gunnels were aluminum not sure on yours thats why to add a backing plate for more support
  12. mount tracks with backing plates then you will need track mounts for your riggers makes it easy to remove riggers when not in use and there are lots of options for other things to use in track i put riggers in back corner then in front of them double track mount holder for dipseys then track mount rod tree to hold copper rods
  13. will work just fine it will take some getting use to reading the boards after using big boards as you will need to watch what the board is doing not the rod it would really help to tag along with someone already using them
  14. pm sent
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