Ice is still from East Lake Rd. bridge north but heavy flow and with warm temperatures again in the near future we can hope 7-10 days to push out to the lake.
creek is open south of bridge.
Only fished 3 hrs. and kept us busy on only a few rods. Had a canon downrigger almost go in the water to start off the day. the plastic mold on the bottom of the rigger broke and luckily I was standing there as it started toward the water. One rigger down 55-65 ft /200 ft took 3 kings and the cheater above it was busy with 2 steelhead and a coho. lost 1 other steelie and had a dipsy 90 on a 3 setting rip. Largest king was 25.4 lbs. 2 face has been very hot on kings and NBK silver back on cheater lines. Speed was 2.3-2.5
Started in 100 ft. and kept moving out. the 150 had a little activity on the screen and took 1 skippy and another knock off. Look pretty dead out to 250 turned went back in and the fleas were much worse closer in. Picked up and went out to 300-330 and picked up 4 kings and had a break off. 1st one of the year All fish were on down riggers & sliders. 35-50'. Two face seemed to be the go to spoon with a laser spook rippin a couple. Had only 1 rip on the dipsy and it was off as quick as it hit. I moved the wire dipsy all over looking for some action. Water temp on top is 66 and 90 down was 59. Bring spray because those flies are a biting.
Went out for an afternoon and started in 30 -50 ft. 3color leadcore went 1st 10 minutes with a green jean moonshine. Leadcore conitued to produce salmon today and green jeans was the kings choice of lure today. DIvers were quiet and I kept changing patterns and depths but could not get them to fire. 1st time all season they have not been the consistent producer. Had the smart troll working on the divers and drop weights off the boards and that is going to be key when fishiing deeper water. Had 2 lakers on high boards (8ft/40ft.) one tipping the scales over 15 lbs. Couple football browns toward the end of the afternoon in 30 ft. All spoon program today. We ran out to 100 ft. to look and there was a lot of debris out there but no fish until we came back to 50ft, Water temp was 45 degrees. Speed was 2.2-2.4 .
Started inside but water was gin clear east and we moved out to 30-35ft ft and found pods of browns. They hit just about everything you put out there. Had a ix presentation o f plugs and spoons before goint to an all spoon program. Anything with green was working good along with an old time evil eye yellow/orange. Worked them for a while boating a dozen and headed west to look at new water. Out in front of Hamlin in 50-55 ft of water found some salmon and boated a couple of teenagers on a DW SS Chicken wing & blue dolpin. 1st kings oof the year and love to hear those reels scream again. 1st king did not like the boat and took 4 different runs as soon as you thought he was done. 2nd one decided to see how many lines he could cross over as he headed to Canada then back to the shoreline. A little mess but no loss tackle. Great day to be out onthe water.
Does anyone have any expereince with these? I have seend videos but do not know anyone that actually owns them. I have an 18ft. so this would definitely help on those choppier days but they are a bit pricey so any feedback would help . Thanks.
Has anyone used a 400ft copper and tied in different lengths 100' ,200' etc. of a section of mono to connect to the inline boardso you can run different depths without having 3-4 different setups for copper/wire. Looking for ways to run depth off the boards but I have 2-400 ft copper setups along with a 300 wire. I have a couple 5 color leadcores that i am thinking I couild use snap weights to as well. Jus trying to find a way to make a larger spread in the target zones.
They sent me a discount code but I included your name when I ordered it and Darrell replied:
Thanks for letting me know that Rick referred you...he has used Smart Troll for several years and provided feedback that helped me to learn to make it better.