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Everything posted by lazyarcher

  1. lazyarcher

    Sold / Closed 07 Trophy New price

    I have the same boat...could you email me how and where you put in a new raw water pump? I have to do the same and its impossible!!!! Dave lazyarcher@rogers.com
  2. SOLD
  3. That was Canadian..and they sold in 10 mins on Kijiji..with another 16 offers
  4. That was Canadian..and they sold in 10 mins on Kijiji..with another 16 offers
  5. Apparently..more like $50 each!
  6. Original unused 4" painted eye Lymans..from the 70s/80s I believe. $500 plus shipping. Dave 519 631-1448 8
  7. will you ship to Ontario Canada?
  8. Abu Garcia mooching reels These are Japanese manufactured in the 80s and were popular as down rigging salmon/trout reels due to the large line capacity...400 yds of 17lb test. Popular out in BC for salmon. Independent drags, high speed 1:1 retrieve, clicker or free spool settings. Very rare reels in excellent basically unused condition....except the one reel one the left is missing one of the base feet. It still attaches solidly to a reel seat but it is missing..so Ive lowered the price to $75 for the pair $75 for the pair. Dave 519 631-1448 lazyarcher@rogers.com
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