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Scalloper 1

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Everything posted by Scalloper 1

  1. Could they be used as a stacker on a rigger to get the top bait out away from the bottom bait while fishing bottom for lakers?
  2. The salmon in the picture looks to be farm raised out of Maine or Atlantic Canada
  3. I am just wondering why I have not read or seen anyone use them considering they have been out for 6-7 years. How often do you use them and would you recommend trying 1-2?
  4. I am willing to bet its safer then eating at McDonalds
  5. Any of you use them? I watched a few videos on them yesterday but they were all from 6 years ago. I could see their advantage
  6. I have only read about ion fishing but until now I have never had the ability to adjust the ion settings. Any tips on where to start and what I should be looking for as in to much or to little?
  7. When it gets to the point that you put lip-stic and eye liner on your down rigger weight I agree you may want to think about going fishing
  8. I bought two Cannon Diggi-Troll 10 TS and I need a relay cable to link the two together. Cannon is telling me that the cable has been discontinued. I was quite surprised Cannon does not support their products. So if any of you have one I am in the market.
  9. I agree. If you avoid people and are feeling fine then how is that harming anything. Thanks for the report.
  10. I drive safe while towing a $60,000 boat
  11. I am 1:45 East of Bangor Min 12 hrs for me. Good luck this season
  12. Do you take Pay Pal?
  13. I would like two just like them....
  14. PM sent. Are these still available?
  15. I bought the Traxstech and I am very pleased so far. They seem strong the finish is great and they work well.
  16. I was mistaken the rod holders are not Ciscos they are Berts.
  17. I bought 6 of the Cisco rod holders and lost one of the black end caps the first week I used them. I was not impressed. Other then that they are working fine.
  18. BS, with gas at $1.50 gal and the 4 stroke motors most of us use it costs me $1 per hr to troll. Have you bought fish at the market in the last century? I didn't think so. A salmon fillet is $8-12. This "IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL."
  19. This has nothing to do with the Chinese flu and all to do about control. Its unbelievable the government officials would not allow people to fish to feed their families in these times. I can understand multiple people on a boat but families that live together should be allowed. Typical Cuomo
  20. The boat was alot and the rigging has cost 10% more....so far
  21. I am not sure about NY but in Maine fishing is considered essential both commercial and recreational. People need a way to feed themselves and it can be done at a safe distance.
  22. It makes no since. Seems like people could keep their distance while coming and going from a boat launch. A perfect example of government over reach. The fact is you have a 1/1,000 chance in getting this flu if you led a normal life.
  23. I will take the two rod holders with the tracks if still available
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