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About Bankes180

  • Birthday 04/07/1972

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  • Location
    Bloomsburg Pa.
  • Home Port
    Mexico Bay LSR
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  1. I have this available you can have for $125 shipping included. All works as it should. Also have a Brand new spool of Mason cable ITP I'll throw in for $10 more. We switched to fish hawk only reason for selling.
  2. I bought a new battery craddle from fishhawk for $15 then when i plugged it in I secured the the plug in place with black RTV silicon been great for about 4 years now
  3. Yes I bought the boat.
  4. ttt
  5. ttt
  6. ttt
  7. Midland weather radio used twice just doesn't get enough reception at my cabin. In the box with everything it came with. $18 shipped. We can't even get FM radio at the cabin.
  8. Mason coated cable. For for depth raider or moor sub troll. 150 lb test 200 ft brand new in the box. $20 plus actual shipping.
  9. 2 Penn Jigmaster Reels like brand new. Came with the boat I bought. $80 for both. plus actual shipping.
  10. I'd do $100 + shipping for both if you are interested.
  11. ok sounds good. I'm down by hazelton pa so its not a big deal for me to come get it. thank you
  12. ttt
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