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Doug N

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Everything posted by Doug N

  1. 32" tall, yes still have it. Sorry for not responding sooner but our cable was out.
  2. Ttt
  3. I don't know what this came off of, good shape, has 14' steering cable and wheel. $125.00
  4. Doug N


    Walworth NY 14568
  5. Doug N


    No Thanks
  6. Doug N


    Foot Hold Qty Each Duke 1.5's 12 $3.00 Duke 110's 12 $2.50 Duke 160's 18 $5.00 Duke Dog Proof 12 $6.00 4' to 6' Ketch All Pole 1 $75.00 Necker 600 Fleshing Knife 1 $35.00 Body Grip Caulk Gun Setter 1 $30.00 Wire Muskrat stretchers 12 $1.50 Night Stalker Stake Puller 1 $15.00
  7. Doug N

    for sale : usa CAST NET

    No they are not legal in NY.
  8. Thank you for the links, looks like the bay buoy is off line, the lake buoy is working. I.ve been using the Marine forecast and Forrest Lawn Beach Cam which seems to be not real reliable.
  9. Fished Sodus yesterday and noticed a Buoy, NE of the mouth of the channel about 1/2 mile. Is it new? or have I just missed seeing it until yesterday? Does anyone know how to access data from it?
  10. I'll take two sets. I'll send $21.00 to your pay pal.
  11. I'll get back to you this afternoon. Going fishing.
  12. Same colors for now but would like to see what you have for other colors.
  13. I need replacement fly's do you sell just the fly?
  14. Yes it is easy, go to the parks and rec. you'll need your vehicle registration so they can copy it. Pay $5.00.You can plan ahead also and pay for a future date. Or you can get a non resident season pass for &100.00. By the way this is Doug Nichol from Sentry.
  15. Nice video Anthony ,We've been catching a lot of Lakers out of Bear Creek.
  16. Thank you sk8man. Woodville it is.
  17. We're planning on fishing Canandaigua tomorrow morning, the wind is forecast for NW 10 to 15 mph . How will the South end be for a 16' Deep V? Maybe the North End would be best? How is the fishing at the North end?
  18. I have a swivel base on the rigger now the black plastic type. I'm guessing that would fit on the riser??? So I think the non swivel one would work? Where are you located at?
  19. Looking for a Cannon 6"riser, used.
  20. I've been eating it for awhile now, tastes like a mix of chicken and an old lake trout.
  21. Checked it out on Google Earth and the web site. Looks like an easy access to the lake. So I should go in the next couple of weeks before the water warms to much. Thanks for the information.
  22. Has anyone used Stinger's Marina?
  23. Think I'll pass on that then. I just want to fish the lake, don't need an adventure. lol
  24. Stinger's Marina?
  25. Does anyone know where is a good place to launch? I have a 16' Deep V so I don't need anything fancy, just a ramp with dock.
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