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Brimstone Troller

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  1. Great video’s Ron. It was nice to meet you guys on shore. I really appreciate the info you gave us. I definitely have a lot to learn. It was a tough week for us. But we have hade harder weeks before. My best day was Friday. We went 5 for 8. Tight lines. I look forward to chatting with you on the water again. Jacques
  2. Where are you located? I’m heading to Niagara on the 6th. I might be interested.
  3. Nooo. I was going to message you tonight.
  4. Is this still available?
  5. How old is the unit? Where are you located? How much for shipping? thanks
  6. I use them all the time. I use 20-30 lb mono. We go up there in the spring. I also use them on Champlain and any other lake I troll. They work great once you get them set properly. Most lakes I fish we only get 2 rods p/p. So these are the second rod for us. I put them on the setting that is recommended so you get 1ft of depth for 2ft of line out. Jacques
  7. We ended up going over towards Fairhaven this evening. Basically straight out. Finally got what we came for 20lb11oz. King 220fow 100 down on rigger with meat. 2.7sog. Going with the wind towards deeper water got it around 7. P. b. For Nana and the boat!! It made the trip for us. We did not get anything else. Ended the weekend 3/7. Doubt we will get out in the morning. Good luck till next time!! Jacques
  8. Nice. Might have to go out deeper this evening.
  9. 1/3 this morning 3lb 3oz Stealhead for my daughter her P. B. That was on tuxedo 60 down. The other hits were NBK and meat. Marked one pack of fish when I was picking up. The rest were just singles. All around 180 give or take 10-20. Jacques
  10. I forgot lots of bait balls out there tonight!!! jacques
  11. Chamberlain stackers are great. Make sure you put at least 15ft apart. I’ve also found that running the lower one a little further back than the upper that helps. Jacques
  12. 0/2 this evening one hit on meat on rigger at 90 the other was on slide diver spoon at 35ft. The one on the rigger was a cluster. Went a little west of port bay. Was at 180Fow. Speed 2.8ish. Be out in the morning. Jacques
  13. Launched at 5:30. Fished from 180-230 most of the time. Only got one Stealhead 8.5lbs. Father in-laws P. B. Come on rigger 40ft down in 230fow. Green black and silver Michigan stinger. Worked out to 300. Only marked Radom fish. SOG was 2.8ish. Called ski-dooz on the radio got nothing. Gooback out for the evening. Jacques
  14. Thanks. I’ll be launching at 5:30. I’ll be on 68.
  15. Nobody wants to give out info right now. I asked 3 days ago and have had almost 500 views and not one response. I'll be out Friday- Sunday weather permitting. I'll be on 68 handle is Brimstone Troller. I'll share info if I have any. I'm going out of Port Bay.
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