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March 17, 2021
Last visited
November 12, 2024
Everything posted by R.B.
We went back out today (8/10) and caught 8 more kings. Best water was 170 to 200. Green Casper with a green uv meat rig caught most. Biggest 21 lbs.
17 kings over 3 days. Best water for us was 150 to 250 from catfish to 5 stacks. We had 2 that weighed 22 lbs.. Best meat rig was 10 inch white green dot SD with white twinkies early morning then hammer twinkies switch around 10 am. Bullfrog with dirty goose twinkies took hits too. Best spoon was a mag lances 2 face with mag nbk doing well too.
I would agree. We fished West of the state launch at the Little Salmon River to the plant. 10 to 25 feet going 2.1 to 2.6.
Saturday was an easy and very fun day to fish. Today was slow a steady. We caught 9 this morning. Hot spoons were die hard uv and nbk uv. Jailbreak was the hot stickbait.
8 browns in the cooler this morning. We threw back more than we kept. 12 to 20 feet worked well. Top 2 spoons were glow green alewife and dirty broomstick. Top stickbait was bay rat ridin dirty.
Last weekend we found lakers between 5 stack and the plant at 120
I went out this evening for a couple of hours and was able to land an 18 lb king. 200 fow in front of the plant on a glow hammer fly behind a white green and black dot SD on a 300 copper.
It is basically the same. There isn't much water below my boat at the dock.
7/4 morning. 24 lbs near 5 stack in 115 fow. Also, caught a small king in 275 fow.
Took a friend out fishing in the morning. Fished between the plant and five stacks. 150 fow down 100 brown, 250 fow down 105 Atlantic, 275 fow down 95 coho.
I went out for a afternoon troll on 6/23. I started in 300 fow just west of the plant. I got a coho with a mixed veggie on a 300 copper in 400 fow. I stayed at 400 fow heading west and got a steelhead 100 down on a stinger sized fat nancy. I turned back and trolled in 350 fow and got a 13 lb king 120 down on a SD white green dot and stud fly and a skippy 105 down on the fat nancy. Sent from my SM-A505U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
5/30 I was able to get a nice brown in front of high rock in 25 fow on a black wiggle off a planer board with a 3/4 oz. snap weight. I tried for kings with no luck. I dropped a Gambler rig down in 120 fow and was able to get a decent laker. There was a ton of bait in the bay...
First post on the site. 2 Lakers on a solo run today. 150 and 155 FOW in front of the plant. One on an east troll the other on a west troll at 1.7 to 1.9 GPS speed. I ran the Gambler rig 23 off the ball Sent from my SM-A505U using Lake Ontario United mobile app