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  1. Got it installed on my Honda 9.9 with remote, electric start, and power tilt. The instructions were not very good because it was not for this exact motor. I needed to remove the starter assembly from the top of the motor along with the parts box. Once I did this I was able to access the secondary hole to tap for the servo bracket. It sounds like it was difficult , but it wasn't . Another thing was that the original throttle bracket is not replaced but left in place and the new one is installed over it. Got it tested and await my first sea trial with it.
  2. Got it yesterday and will install it this weekend!
  3. thanks everyone... I ordered the Itroll
  4. Is the throttle smooth or jerky?
  5. I looked at that also , but I like the dial used on Itroll. Trollsmarter doesn't use one.
  6. I'm tired of attempting to get any consistent speed with my honda kicker and have decided to get something to control it more accurately. I've decided that the Itroll appears to be what I'm looking for. Could anyone that actually uses one please give me your honest opinion of this unit both good and bad. I'm also curious whether the hunt mode is worth the price. Thanks
  7. I have a 9.9 on an 18’ Duckworth and get 6.2 mph so you’re doing well at nearly 10mph. I don’t have it hooked up to a tac so I don’t know the rpms but it’s full throttle.
  8. My Mag 5 needs the wire so that the electric current is disrupted once it hits the surface of the water stopping the reel. If yours is like mine the answer is no for the auto stop feature.
  9. As long as the motor you're using for trolling charges that battery you'll be fine.
  10. Looks like a salmon. This might help. https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/fishing/salmon-browntrout.html
  11. What kind of warranty will you get from the rebuild?
  12. Looking forward to learning and sharing with fellow fishermen. Finally retired and plan on doing some fishing!
  13. Make sure you order the right shaft length otherwise you'll be very disappointed...
  14. Do you take PayPal or Zelle?
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