Thanks for sharing this info! When is the best time (range) for kings? Thinking of setting up a trip from NE Ohio with some friends. Would appreciate any recommendations anyone is willing to share!
Does anyone run the dipsy hack where you tie about a foot of 40# braid to your line, then 15-20’ of flourocarbon to the 40# braid. Tie a loop in the 40# section. Add a small “S” carabiner clip to the dipsy release and the other end attaches to the loop on the 40#. You let the line with lure out then attach the dipsy to the loop on the 40# then let the rest of the line out to get your dipsy to desired depth. Works well and gives you longer leader. But, you’ll need to release the dipsy from the line when it gets to the boat. Kind of like you would with a planer board. I use this on Erie for walleye and steelhead with good results!
I don't disagree MR580! Can't beat the teaching of experienced fishermen and charters are a great way to do this. I fish Lake Erie, trolling for Walleye and Steelhead, so I have the basics down. Just trying to get some fine tuning tips. On Erie 6 ft fluorocarbon leaders work quite well. But that's for Walleye and Steelhead. Checking to see if Salmon and Trout are different and prefer longer leads.
I’m Learning to use the downriggers that came with my boat and looking for some experienced advice for deeper (than Lake Erie) use….
1.) what type of weight works best with least blow back? I have round cannonball with a fin, pancake, and fish shaped!
2.) how long a lead should I use from the release to the lure?
3.) should it be my deepest runner? (Deepest-most line out closest to boat?)
4.) can I run more than one line from it? (Or save that for when I’m more experienced with it?)
Hoping to avoid a major tangle and put some fish in the cooler!
Looks like my convector 45 will only hold 200' of 45# copper to have ample backer line length. The depth charts say that will get me down to 40-50 ft at 2.5 to 2 mph respectively. Is it best to run the copper line at that depth and further out? Do I use snap weights if I want to go deeper? Where do you attach them?
Thinking i'll run Downrigger out the back, copper off a walleye board, and a dipsy diver. where should I run the dipsy? Between the downrigger and copper lines? (I'm seeing advice to run deeper lines nearer the boat).
I normally troll dipsies on Erie for walleye and steelhead and I’m planning to give copper wire a try and spool two convector 45 reels with it for an upcoming fishing trip for salmon on Lake Michigan. I’m thinking 300 feet of 45# copper (may have to go less)with the appropriate amount of backer and leader per the LOU posted guide. As I understand it, I’ll need to let the full 300’ out to get to the backer to use planer boards and this will run 55 to 112 feet deep Depending on trolling speed.
Here’s where I need some experienced help!:
What are your target trolling speeds for salmon and trout through the year?
Recognizing the fixed amount of wire and it’s depth limits with the copper wire rods, i assume I use the downrigger and Dipsy divers to vary the depths of the rigs on the other rods?
What depth variation do you typically run across the rods? (I’m planning to run 6) i.e. how much deeper/shallower should I run the rigger and dipsies?
Appreciate any advice and recommendations you can offer this copper newby!
Hello! An OGF (Ohio Game Fishing) forum member recommended I check out LOU so here I am. I fish Lake Erie out of Cleveland for walleye and steelhead mostly on my 22’ SeaHunt with Yamaha 250. Bought it used in 2014 all rigged and ready for deep water trolling and absolutely love it. Looking to try out some salmon fishing in Lake Michigan this summer and hope to learn some tips and tricks from experienced anglers in this forum!