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September 30, 2021
Last visited
August 14, 2024
Everything posted by Digitart
gave em a break today we'll go after them tomorrow and report
They are suspended higher but the drop off is so big there it all happens in 50 horizontal feet ! you go from 100 to 40 up there quick.
we have been taking fish from 35 to 75 feet.
off shelfs and structure.
on crawlers most all of them.
nice bunch.. we were west of carelton. where were you guys
Another good morning on the SLR. 5 for 5 on Black Bass (smallies) from 3.5lbs to a whopping 6.4lb pig!!! Nate's largest Bass ever. 2 for 2 for record bass for other guys( Nick and Nate) both rod hogs ! LOL!! Great fun nothing like a Small Mouth Bass from the St Lawrence.
Just got up here. Worked shoals from "the Cut" to Clayton yesterday. One 5.5lb BB. Nick is a happy camper as this was his largest BB ever.
Nothing else. Windy again today. Looking to start a notepad of bites. Or let me know where a good one is.
I'll list daily catches here.. join me..
I only want it for a speed display so would have to spend $130 for those ! If you ever get to the point you'll let it go for like $100 let me know. Thanks Art
Note: This does not come with any monitor, this is the Panoptics Transducer Liveview System which is how it is sold new also, for $1500 New..
Garmin Panoptix LiveScope System Product # 010-01864-00 (no display) Used for 2 years works absolutely perfect. Bass fishing and Pan fish this thing is unbelievable. Was professionally installed and removed. Live Scope Plug & Play Easy-to-install, networkable GLS 10 sonar black box and LVS32 transducer with transom and trolling motor mounts Operating Frequency 530 - 1,100 kHz Transmit power 500W Provides 2 Remarkable View Beamwidth of 20° x 135° Max Depth:Down and Forward: 200’ (61.0 m) Easy to Change Views POWER INPUT: 10-32 V POWER USAGE: 21 W typical, 58 W max FUSE: 7.5 A.
Compatible units:
ECHOMAP™ Plus: 72cv, 72sv, 73cv, 73sv, 74cv, 74sv, 75cv, 75sv, 77cv, 77sv, 92sv, 93sv, 94sv, 95sv, 97sv ECHOMAP™ UHD: 72cv, 72sv, 73cv, 73sv, 74cv, 74sv, 75cv, 75sv, 92sv, 93sv, 94sv, 95sv ECHOMAP™ Ultra: 102sv, 106sv, 122sv, 126sv GPSMAP: 1022, 1042xsv, 1222, 1222 Plus, 1222 Touch, 1222xsv Plus, 1222xsv Plus Bundle, 1222xsv Touch, 1242 Plus, 1242 Touch, 1242xsv, 1242xsv Plus, 1242xsv Plus Bundle, 1242xsv Touch, 722, 722 Plus, 722xs, 722xs Plus, 722xs Plus Bundle, 7407, 7407xsv, 7408, 7408xsv, 7410, 7410xsv, 7412, 7412xsv, 7416, 7416xsv, 742, 742 Plus, 742xs, 742xs Plus, 742xs Plus Bundle, 7607, 7607xsv, 7608, 7608xsv, 7610, 7610xsv, 7612, 7612xsv, 7616, 7616xsv, 8410, 8410xsv, 8412, 8412xsv, 8416, 8416xsv, 8417 MFD, 8422 MFD, 8424 MFD, 8610, 8610xsv, 8612, 8612xsv, 8616, 8616xsv, 8617 MFD, 8622 MFD, 8624 MFD, 8700 Black Box, 922, 922 Plus, 922xs, 922xs Plus, 922xs Plus Bundle, 942, 942 Plus, 942xs, 942xs Plus, 942xs Plus Bundle.
Still sells for $1500.
$1200 buys it. All cleaned up and in original packaging with instruction.
Garmin Panoptix LiveScope System Product # 010-01864-00 (no display) Used for 2 years works absolutely perfect. Not working for my type of trolling. Bass fishing and Pan fish this thing is unbelievable. Was professionally installed and removed. Live Scope Plug & Play Easy-to-install, networkable GLS 10 sonar black box and LVS32 transducer with transom and trolling motor mounts Operating Frequency 530 - 1,100 kHz Transmit power 500W Provides 2 Remarkable View Beamwidth of 20° x 135° Max Depth:Down and Forward: 200’ (61.0 m) Easy to Change Views POWER INPUT: 10-32 V POWER USAGE: 21 W typical, 58 W max FUSE: 7.5 A Works with Garmin Models: ECHOMAP™ Plus: 72cv, 72sv, 73cv, 73sv, 74cv, 74sv, 75cv, 75sv, 77cv, 77sv, 92sv, 93sv, 94sv, 95sv, 97sv ECHOMAP™ UHD: 72cv, 72sv, 73cv, 73sv, 74cv, 74sv, 75cv, 75sv, 92sv, 93sv, 94sv, 95sv ECHOMAP™ Ultra: 102sv, 106sv, 122sv, 126sv GPSMAP: 1022, 1042xsv, 1222, 1222 Plus, 1222 Touch, 1222xsv Plus, 1222xsv Plus Bundle, 1222xsv Touch, 1242 Plus, 1242 Touch, 1242xsv, 1242xsv Plus, 1242xsv Plus Bundle, 1242xsv Touch, 722, 722 Plus, 722xs, 722xs Plus, 722xs Plus Bundle, 7407, 7407xsv, 7408, 7408xsv, 7410, 7410xsv, 7412, 7412xsv, 7416, 7416xsv, 742, 742 Plus, 742xs, 742xs Plus, 742xs Plus Bundle, 7607, 7607xsv, 7608, 7608xsv, 7610, 7610xsv, 7612, 7612xsv, 7616, 7616xsv, 8410, 8410xsv, 8412, 8412xsv, 8416, 8416xsv, 8417 MFD, 8422 MFD, 8424 MFD, 8610, 8610xsv, 8612, 8612xsv, 8616, 8616xsv, 8617 MFD, 8622 MFD, 8624 MFD, 8700 Black Box, 922, 922 Plus, 922xs, 922xs Plus, 922xs Plus Bundle, 942, 942 Plus, 942xs, 942xs Plus, 942xs Plus Bundle
Shipping is possible via UPS. Buyer pays. Cleared funds before shipping. No returns(Electronics) Continental US Only