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Everything posted by RH93

  1. I have my 93SV setup so i can adjust the gain on the fly, with the +/- buttons at the top of the touch screen. Makes it alot easier than going into the menu every time I need to adjust the gain.
  2. Weather got really rough over in Mexico bay. Was calm until about 11-12 o clock. Last three hours on the lake was tiring.
  3. RH93

    Boat Wash

    This may be a silly question. This is the first season I have left the boat in the water. (normally a trailer to the lake every trip, kind of guy). The boat has been in the water for almost a month, and is starting to get a little scum line building up. How do you guys that leave your boat in the water year round, wash your hulls? Do you pull them out and wash them? Can you wash a boat while its docked at a marina?
  4. I'll be on the water Friday, weather is looking ok. Good luck to ya!
  5. Ive been fishing all spring so far in mexico bay (out of little salmon river) Did catch two smaller kings out by the power plant in 50' FOW. That was two weeks ago. Besides that steady brown action in 40-50 FOW. Did catch my first lake trout today. Not much else to report, water's been rough (today was the toughest fishing I've done all year so far) Green flasher with a green fly has been catching all the fish. Last year I didn't start catching kings until late June early July (140 FOW), which I believe is common for the east end of the lake (but this is my 3rd season fishing Lake Ontario, so I'm still learning)
  6. And, Upper jaw extends past eye. Brown.
  7. We had a rough day in Mexico Bay yesterday. Rough water, lots of boat traffic, only one brown.
  8. I havent been out in a month, life got busy. Planning on going out most of this weekend. I had a decent year fishing out of Mexico. Lots of browns. A few small steelheads. Only a half a dozen kings throughout the summer. This was my 1st full year fishing lake Ontario (only made it out once last year) so I cant complain. Caught fish every trip.
  9. Looking for a running reverse rotation (RH) 305 or 350 to replace a 220 crusader with a cracked block. Anyone do a recent repower and have one laying around?
  10. Found what I was looking for. Closed.
  11. Have you tried throwing in some turns while trolling? See if you get any hits from rods on the inside or outside of the turn? I use a moor sub troll, and the speeds we get at depth are not that much different compared to what the gps says. But we are over here in Mexico Bay, maybe our currents aren't as bad as yours out west. We were out all day yesterday, water temps were pretty warm all the way down to 120', Salmon bite was non existent. marked alot of fish in 190 FOW but had no cooperation. Came in to 90' and had some good luck with the browns.
  12. Have you tried throwing in some turns while trolling? See if you get any hits from rods on the inside or outside of the turn? I use a moor sub troll, and the speeds we get at depth are not that much different compared to what the gps says. But we are over here in Mexico Bay, maybe our currents aren't as bad as yours out west. We were out all day yesterday, water temps were pretty warm all the way down to 120', Salmon bite was non existent. marked alot of fish in 190 FOW but had no cooperation. Came in to 90' and had some good luck with the browns.
  13. Looking for a Tunnel Drive Explorer. Chevy or chrysler powered. If anyone has a lead on one, or knows someone that may be looking to sell one, please let me know.
  14. Not sure if this is the right section to post this or not. I have an issue when I try to read a thread on this forum. I'm constantly harassed by a loading bar and then I'm automatically scrolled back up to the beginning of the thread. It makes it almost impossible to read a full thread. Any tech gurus have any advice?
  15. Fished out of the Salmon River this past weekend, stayed in one of the cottages at the Salmon River Lighthouse Marina. Went 3/4 on Browns, and dragged 3 small Kings for who knows how long before realizing they were hooked up. This is my first year fishing Lake Ontario, looking for all of the pointers I can get! Tried finding the salmon, went about 6 miles offshore, but we didnt have any luck. I'm guessing I needed to go out farther, but I'm still building some confidence with fishing such a big lake in a relatively small boat. Here's a picture of myself (right) and my brother with our last fish of the weekend.
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