Fishing the St Lawrence for bass by a channel marker in 60 ft of water. I noticed my minnow bucket had come untied off the back of the boat and was drifting away. I took the anchor line off the cleat and went to the back of the boat paying out line to get close enough to grab the minnows. Just as I reached for it I felt the end of the line pull through my hand and flip out the front of the boat. I saw the line slowly sinking, grabbed a rigged pole with spoon, dropped it past the line and was bringing it up slowly trying to snag the rope. I watched a 34 inch pike come up from below snatch the spoon and dive. My anchor line sank out of sight as I fought the pike which I landed. I dropped another anchor to the bottom and tried to pull it perpendicular to the lost line. First try I pulled up the lost line on that anchor tied off the boat and turned around to see everyone on about 6 other boats just looking at me like I was a crazy man.