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Everything posted by Speedy

  1. Suffering from a little Cabin fever and looking forward to opening of Trout season here in Vermont, April 15th. Anyway looking for a few tips on that first day in the boat when most of the ice has melted away from the shore line. Salmon, Rainbows and Lakers are the targets. Do the larger fish come in towards the shallows for first Spring feeding? Troll along the edges or anchor near area and jig. I'm in smaller Vermont in-land lakes like Willoughby, Memphremagog and Crystal to start. Suggest any special Spring lures, baits, techniques? Use the down-riggers or something smaller like a 3 way swivel with weight down and lure/bait out straight. Thanks. Nothing like Arizona, so time for this old dog to learn a few new tricks. LOL Speedy
  2. Henry, I was the guy looking for a replacement trailer last year. Still using the old one, now with new wheels/tires/lights/paint job/chains/winch. Have a Good Christmas, Speedy
  3. Well you guys are the greatest! I found and ordered a couple of the Scotty #1172 large size Power grips with 30" leader and a couple #1179 Scotty Stacker set up with 30" leader. Hopefully I won't have to belly dance over the size reaching for the cable. Also got a few Ball/weight retriever cord systems for added ease. I'll keep a Black set up on my manual riggers and get some practice when the lakes are smooth and in day light. Again Bass Pro Shops, Fisherman's Warehouse,, Sportsman Warehouse, Fish USA, Tackle Direct and Kast King didn't have these part numbers. Most didn't even stock them ever. Found them at Fish307 in Mass. Can't wait till Spring. LOL Thanks again Speedy
  4. Thanks for your advice. I fully respect all the hundreds of years experience in this group. I'm not going to throw anything out. I might try a sample of the easier to use type and get some experience on my own. I understand what you guys are saying about a tighter and more adjustable/dependable grip. No Kings over here in NE Kingdom Vermont, only Land Locked and Lakers. But someday coming over to your ponds. I have four down riggers set up on the boat right now. I still have to learn about using the Fish Hawk and Sliders, and planer boards, lead cores and coppers...all by myself. I'll get it! Tight Lines Speedy
  5. Good advice. I know Scotty is made in Canada. But most of the time I when I go to a fishing tackle web sight I get a girl tel-a-marketer or some guy who hasn't a clue about trolling. OR they only stock one or two of the brand,then out of stock and back order. Bass Pro Shops, Sportsman Warehouse ,Cabelas to name a few. My local marina is 99% pontoon boat, sail boat oriented, zero tackle...only Walmart. Who do you get your goodies from? Speedy
  6. J.D. Thanks..BINGO! I thought it must have something to do with extra line slack from the loops. After thinking about some of the other YouTube videos about releases, they always instructed to start cranking in the slack first, then lift up the rod tip high to set the hook. Or...just use a different release that will usually set the hook at first strike. I owe you lunch. Speedy
  7. Thanks guys... I understand the two techniques of wrapping/forming a loop with 6 or 7 layers,then place it in the clip. But why multiple wraps? Has any of you guys tried just one loop? Just wondering what the 7 wrapping loops does...give slack? The boat also came with two brand new Roeme releases, still in the bags, Their instructions say use one loop. Never used. I guess I'm an "Old School" guy, remembering Dad said "Don't touch the wood stove"..Why? I learned. I also have a 16ft. Aluma-Craft and thinking about taking one of the manual Canon down riggers off the Sea Nymph and installing it on the smaller boat for smaller lakes, but still 100ft. + deep. Thinking if I should re-do all down riggers with a different style that might be easier to use, but still be successful for trolling for Salmon and Lakers. Thanks again for helping a life-long stream fisherman now learning about boats and trolling. Speedy
  8. Thanks again. I had a feeling it was just a little of "What we are used to" and not 100% proven fact". 2 cycle verses 4 cycle... New products keep popping up. I'm an old dog (78) and trying to get used to my 19 ft Sea Nymph, 90 hp, Merc,, 2 Cannon electrics, two Cannon manuals, two Lowrence finders, Fish Hawk, 24 volt Minnkota with I-Pilot. I'm not going to throw the Blacks overboard, but I really would like to see if the Scotty or others are easier to work with for guys just starting out. I don't have an experienced First Mate/semi-pro fisherman, just my wife. Also I'm in the North-East Kingdom, Vermont Lakes, and have to deal with jet skis, sail boats, and not have miles of open water like the Great Lakes. Just looking for suggestions as to releases (Christmas gift time... LOL ). Just trying to keep things as simple as possible. I can do the 4/5/7 wraps but why? Thanks for helping an old dog. Speedy
  9. Thanks for the reply. I understand everyone has their favorite for one reason or another. I'm curious as to why the multiple wraps? Why not just one loop? Does it give extra slack? Is there a solid reason for the many wraps or just a "Thing to do because".... I really don't know, so thanks again for any help. Speedy
  10. My boat came equipped with "Black" down rigger releases, from the past owner. I know there are several other makes of releases made. Due to our Spring/Summer floods and extreme rain seasons,I haven't had a lot of time using them. I had an experienced trolling fisherman use them once on my boat, and he said the Blacks require a 6-7 wrap/loop made and then insert that into the clip. With my old eyes/cold fingers/early dawn poor light, is this the BEST type and system. I see other brands with a single pinch required and to move the line further back in the clip for a stronger grip. Open to any ideas and stores, before I change anything on my 5 down riggers. Thanks, Speedy
  11. Thanks J,D. This Old Dog just learned a new trick. Speedy
  12. I am sure many of you have multiple batteries on board. I have a 12 volt for the main engine/outboard and also two 12 volts wired to make 24 volt for my electric motor. Do any of you use those "Mini" chargers/battery keepers? If so, leave one on each battery? My boat is in a dry un-heated garage with power. All batteries are disconnected for the winter. Thanks for your advice. Speedy
  13. I have a brand new 80 lb thrust 24 volt Minnkotta as my trolling motor. I need a electric start, electric trim 40 hp to get me across the large/medium size lakes with wind. So the 9.9 as the primary doesn't cut it. But thanks and ask around for one. Thanks, Tight Lines, Speedy
  14. Well my AZ 9.9 Evinrude worked great out on those small, calm AZ lakes. AZ like many states have a size limit of 10 hp or less, thus my 9.9 fits. But Vermont's larger bodies of water has got me re-thinking my equipment. I think I might be better off with a 30 to 40 hp engine as my primary. Anybody have a good used 30- 40 hp tiller style or know of one for sale. Anyone interested in my 9.9 Evinrude for trolling? I called most of the marinas and zero results..."we can order you one".. LOL Thanks Speedy Cell/text: (520) 449-9999 or new email address: [email protected]
  15. That's great. I hope he is right. Next time I will bag and freeze them and get them over to Game and Fish. Didn't check the DNA but just compared to the color photos on their flyer. I'm still fishing either way. Thanks, Speedy
  16. No...Actually the first one had two Alewives in his mouth and still took my lure. That's when I changed my second line to a Alewives looking lure and got the second one in minutes. I was told that the N.E. Kingdom lake were free of Alewives and lamprey eels. I doubled checked VT Game & Fish color chart hoping they were smelt or anything else. Nope. They are in the in-land locked lake.
  17. So far only the Vermont bottom end. Don't have a Canadian license. Up there is the deep water, down in VT mostly 25-27 ft average. But I found a couple holes. LOL Got-em.
  18. After towing my 16 ft. AlumaCraft 3,000 miles from AZ it finally got wet in Vermont waters. Understanding that the Salmon run was in April here in the N.E Kingdom I gave it a shake down run and picked up two Salmon. Both 18", 2+ lbs. . 30ft. out the back, 25+ down, Ivan's lures. Was a little surprised to see that the first one had two Alewifes in it's mouth/throat and still took my lure. I didn't think they were in lakes other than Champlain. So I changed the second line to a Crazy Ivan's #069 Purple Alewife and got the second one in minutes. Good clear day, lake like glass. Speedy
  19. You were right...I SOLD it. Coming back home to VT end of March.
  20. I’m 78 and really don’t want to nickel-dime packing and moving all my furniture and stuff from a life-time. My kids are raised and gone. So what I am looking for is a businessman that might like to “Get-Out” of the location where he is in and move to a fresh start location that is already setup with just about everything . So I am Fishing for a businessman that would like a change without all the hassles. House is built and completed. 3,063 sq. ft., air conditioned, with 4/5 bedrooms (furnished partly), Living room, Family room with gas fireplace, Dining room, Large covered enclosed rear patio with AC (AZ Room), covered side patio with large 4 tear fountain and stainless steel gas bar-B-Q, covered front patio with three large flower gardens on drip-watering system, large kitchen fully equipped, huge laundry room, (washer and dryer stays) Garages and shop, storage, pool, (8 ft deep with diving board and cool decking, complete/furnished office, separate Carport/Boat port/RV, everything is built and ready for you . No permits needed. No Home Owner’s Association either. No snow or ice or storms or riots, or messed up politics. My target date to move East is approx... April/May or sooner maybe?. Could be an easy painless move for family and business. Sorry to bother you with all this, but you have to admit it’s the Best Offer you had all day. LOL 90% “Turn Key” If you are somewhat interested I would be glad to send you photos, measurements, and maps, answer any questions; like what equipment could I leave? Shop: Air conditioned, Painted concrete floors with drain, full width H.D bench, shelving, Air compressor, 220 welder hookup, table saw, LED lighting, painted peg board covered walls and floors, sky lights, new garage door opener, security cameras, 110 electric outlets (every 4 feet), piped hard air line with quick disconnect fittings every 3 feet., over-head air line spool drop, heavy duty loft storage in shop both sides, full length dry storage (attached to shop) with lighting and full length bench and turbine air vents, concrete floor. Also I might consider a Private mortgage type deal. No Commissions (For Sale By Owner/Retired Broker) Market value about $525,000. No Lenders and all their Closing costs and tons of forms. Low taxes and Low Cost of Living. If interested at all, please drop me a email reply to: [email protected] . "Speedy"Bob Nevins “Just Retired” Broker/Owner Need to get Salmon fishing 2022 S. Aida Ave. Tucson, AZ 85710 Office Phone: (520) 298-6919 Mobile/Text: (520) 449-9999
  21. Thanks again for your input information. I forgot to mention that I did install a can of Dry Gas along with the Stabil in both the boat fuel tank and my Chevy Tahoe sitting next to it in the garage. I think all is good. Can't wait till Spring. Tight Lines Speedy
  22. My fuel concerns began when my I brought my 1987 Sea Nymph, which I had just purchased a few weeks before, to the local Mercury Marine dealer for a full Spring Tune-up. I had to leave VT and return to AZ. But I stored it in my weather-tight garage and I added a bottle of Stabil as advised. When I brought it to them they called me a few days later with bad news. Said the fuel tank was rusted and had a lot of water in it and it would have to be drained and then replaced. Seems Vermont has a Environmental Code for disposing of waste fuel and oil (I understand, OK) and I was charged $125.00 to empty the tank. They tried and couldn’t find a new replacement tank. I was stuck in AZ so I had no choice but let them find a cure. When I returned I took the boat back and tried myself to locate a new stock replacement tank. I reached out to the guy in NY who had owned the boat years ago. He had tank problems and replaced it with a new 30 gallon plastic translucent fuel tank designed for Farm storage. He had also replaced all the full lines and fittings and installed the new tank front to back instead of side wards. Then the “Light Bulb” flashed...plastic doesn’t rust; Do this project yourself. The local NAPA auto parts store manager sold me the Stabil and told me that it was good for fuel storage because it contained a lot of Alcohol along with other chemicals to keep and water/condensation from freezing. Another Light Bulb went off. LOL So I lost my first season messing with this and Vermont’s flooding. A few of you guys mentioned Seafoam. I have used it many years ago on frozen/rusted/stuck motors that wouldn’t turn over even with a long wrench. Poured the Seafoam in the sparkplug holes and over the old rocker arms and let it set for half hour. Twice it worked, once on an old Model T Ford and another in a well driller’s rig stuck in the field. But once we freed the motor’s drive train and let it run full temp for a while, we then drained it all and installed new oil and filter. Never hear it as a fuel additive to remove water. But I believe. Having spent several decades in NHRA drag racing and USAC Indy Car we only used certified Menthol/Alcohol and Nitro Methane. Used products like Power Plus made by Red Line Oil and Benol made by Castrol Oil. Both blended with all types of Alcohol, Nitro and Gasoline fuels. We used a “Paste” on a wooden dowel to dip into the 55 gallon drums of fuel to check for water. But that was high performance automotive engines and not marine. As far as starting cold motors we use spray regular grade pump gas, not high test directly into our injector. Regular would light-off easier when priming our 4,000 HP blown alcohol Hemis. But High test gasoline does made more horse power than regular, ask any Corvette or Ferrari owner what they use. Again thanks for all the advice; I’m the rookie with boats like this. I did replace the special marine fuel gauge the dealer couldn’t get with a new Stewart Warner Hot Rod gauge from my shelf. 12 volts is 12 volts. No Hocus Pocus. LOL Speedy
  23. Again Thanks for the advice. Reminds me of one of my racing experiences when in the pits while I was being towed to the starting line, my gas generator in my pits ran out. A crew member next to us did me a favor and went in my open trailer and filled the generator for me and re-started it. When I got back 15 minutes later, everyone was upset. Shut the stinky thing off! Seems the nice guy filled my generator with Alcohol/Methanol. All my gas cans looked alike. Lesson learned. MARK every can with what is in it, even use different colors. Grandpa always said, ”Don’t mix your alcohol (drinks)” LOL “Tight Lines” and stay off thin ice. Speedy
  24. First…THANK YOU ALL for the many expert opinions and advice! Remember as kids we were told by Dad, ”Don’t do that”. When we asked WHY? The answer was because I said so. Now I know WHY or WHY NOT answers to fuel winter storage with correct intelligent descriptions. What made me think about this subject was while I was painting my 3,500 sq. ft of roof with white rubberized paint getting ready to sell my Tucson, AZ house, I was Thinking which was more fun…painting a roof with white paint in the sun or shoveling the white snow off a roof in the cold. Either way my back hurts. LOL Stay warm you guys and thanks again…Be there soon to my “Forever House” in Vermont. Speedy
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