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Posts posted by TriMatt307

  1. On 6/8/2023 at 8:41 AM, Yankee Troller said:

    Tough question to answer. I'd go with a single 400-500' copper rod and run it down the chute so you can adjust how much is out if you really want to get into "junk line" fishing. However, the first thing I would do is master a 4 diver set-up.

    4 river setup is in play. I’m planning to run mag divers on 1 setting (deep) and #1 divers on 3 setting. I use 30 lb torpedo 7-strand wire so I should be in good shape. Thanks for the advice and the YouTube videos have been very helpful on getting going in the west. 

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  2. 23 hours ago, ifishy said:

    Consider what your goal is long lines catch fish but the longer the harder catch and release becomes. Long junk lines tend to be increased work and decreased fun. My boat only runs them for derbies.  The 4 diver set up is good advice for sure I will say this though with a smaller aluminum when I run 4 divers I do not do cheater on the down riggers I find with kings the extra lure is almost guaranteed to get into a diver line and almost always around one and into the other  so 4 dipseys no cheater 2 dipseys cheater is okay. I use a 1 and 3 setting with a size 5 chinook inside and a size 4 for the high diver.  Also weighted steel is much more user-friendly than copper so that's my recomendation

    Thanks! I’ve actually thought about adding a second pair of downriggers and just stick with a pair of divers. Only 8.5 foot beam so I’d have to run wingers to keep them from getting tangled 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Colin said:

    What depth did you find them in? Heading out tomorrow was planning to start in 200 and head north. 

    Actually we did exactly that… started in 200 and trolled Northwest until 300. We didn’t mark a fish or bait. We turned back south and found them in 150-170 off Sixmile. After the wind switched they shut off completely. 


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  4. 6 hours ago, Yankee Troller said:

    Tough question to answer. I'd go with a single 400-500' copper rod and run it down the chute so you can adjust how much is out if you really want to get into "junk line" fishing. However, the first thing I would do is master a 4 diver set-up.

    Very interesting…. I’ve used divers for years so that’s clearly easier. I just started fishing the west since I live in Pittsburgh and still learning the area. Seemed every boat I’ve seen out of Wilson had planers. 

    What dipsy settings? 1 and 3 on the high diver? Thanks for the input!

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