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Everything posted by tyler.woodard04

  1. recently picked up 4, would like to get 2-4 more. All I've been able to find is the newer model. Nothing wrong with those just like matching sets. Let me know if you have any you would part with. Thank you
  2. Ill take them. PM on its way
  3. if its a pre made meat rig run it as it was built. flies it rule is 3x but sometimes longer and sometimes shorter are what is needed. going to have to experiment. longer is a slower action on the fly and shorter is more of a action.
  4. 3.5 but just ordered some more colors in both sizes
  5. Yes, either alone behind flasher or with Twinkies
  6. No lures held up fine. One got in the rigger cable and the other we were struggling to get in the net and I think it got in-between the main and kicker and hit something. Worst part was it was hanging right there and I could not get the damn net behind it to scoop it even after it broke
  7. 3 of the 4 we had on last weekend came off those. Broke 2 off at the boat. That was a hit to the gut and the wallet!
  8. No but have been using the freedom tackle hard herring bait that spins this year with good luck https://www.fishusa.com/Freedom-Tackle-Herring-Cutbait/
  9. Negative to the buss as I have a shunt between the bar and battiers for a battery monitor. Plug,wires and breaker where all with the boat when it was purchased. Not sure if they are original or not. I may have unplugged the motor one since I've bought it. Will check all the connections this week some time again. It's a 50 amp breaker but the wire looked like maybe 8 awg
  10. 12v terrova, just but a pair of 100ah lithiums up front for the trolling motor. Wired in parallel and ran to 2 buss bars. One for each + and -. Put in a battery monitor that uses a shunt on the neg. That is between the buss and the batteries. A couple times last month and once again this weekend the breaker feeding the motor tripped. Reset it and increased engine rpm to keep the tm off the highest setting and it was fine. Every now and then I would look at the speed on the tm and it's at max but not tripping. The battery monitor shows amp draw also but I am not looking at it when the breaker trips. Used just the trolling motor rock bass fishing with now issues. Any thoughts? Thinking of running new wires to the plug at the bow and putting in a fresh breaker as I'm not sure the age of either. Thabks
  11. Launched about 6 and had lines in by 6:30 straight out front in 100 for. Headed straight north. Started marking fish and a little bait about 200. Had to misses on the low rigger with carbon 14. Cranked up the release and really loaded the rod after that. Took a 5 pound king right after turning back south. Back into 120 then back north again. Nothing but fleas. Changed up a few things and turned back south again. Tangled both the low driver's on that turn but got lucky the wire was fine. Saw a mark and just stated saying something when the port low diver got hammered. Was working that and the starboard rigger went. Dad grabbed that and started brining it in. The wire had a 18 pound king on. The rigger was a 5 pound choho. Ended up 3 for 6 and had to head back in to set up for my daughter's 4th birthday party. All hits from 100-120 down Carbon 14 glow back 11" white/chrome uv flasher with a purple freedom tackle cut bait hearing hard bait back about 24" Dreamweaver uv alwife fish USA exclusive where the baits of the day for us
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  12. Is this a EFI model?
  13. new one was less than $100. know they are straight and true. not opposed to buying used on some things. just felt more comfortable with new for that price. to each their own. if and when i end up with another boat ill reach out to Ken again if it needs changed.
  14. when i was shopping i emailed Ken at propgods. he recommended a prop that he did not even sell and told me amazon would be the best price. his suggestion was perfect and did exactly what he said it would. thought that was great of him to give a solution even if it did not benefit his business.
  15. I've seen a few videos of people trolling and seeing the spread behind the boat with these units. Thinking of investing at some point and wanted to know if there is anything that needs done outside of the recommended configuration with other equipment or mounting. Also what settings are working for those that run these. Never seen one in person. Thank you
  16. Even on my small boat I always keep a charged jump box, have since day one. Not one of the little ones but a 1700 amp one. similar price to a battery and it can be used for other things than the boat. Just extra assurance. Truck could be dead in the trailer lot also. Appreciate the input on how this can be done. Thank you everyone https://www.amazon.com/Clore-Automotive-JNC770G-Jump-Starter/dp/B01N7OD9XW/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_3/136-8147654-8663331?pd_rd_w=y5Kip&content-id=amzn1.sym.116f529c-aa4d-4763-b2b6-4d614ec7dc00&pf_rd_p=116f529c-aa4d-4763-b2b6-4d614ec7dc00&pf_rd_r=K0XG1H5BXH76PNTFH3BN&pd_rd_wg=3xnN7&pd_rd_r=8f666909-0b45-4c3a-b664-5f7e72800059&pd_rd_i=B01N7OD9XW&th=1
  17. Morning Richard, do you have these in the shop?
  18. PM sent on the keels
  19. I have found with the slower cameras they need to be set up more parallel to a trail than perpendicular.
  20. morning, is anyone else having spam issues when using the app? using it on a android and the last few days while logged in im getting a redirect to a google site that claims you have won a phone. uninstalled last night. just curious.
  21. Was on the water about 4:45. Dad didnt want a rough ride so we set down in 150 and headed north. Temp was deep. Set a rigger at about 150 and another 130. Spoon and FF. Low mag divers out 280 and 300 with FF, high divers 300 and 350 one with spoon one with meat. Did not mark much until we we at 300'. Screen go really good at 350. No takers, tried speed changes, color changes, swapped fly for meat. Nothing, had a couple lookers that moved up or down with the spread for a bit but that was it. Anyone have any luck this weekend? Any tips or tricks?
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