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  1. I agree, fortunately the ones i have are around 90 to 100 degrees to the boat
  2. Monster steel rodholders i mean
  3. Theyre monster style catfish rods
  4. I checked online and no such informstion is given. I want to know to make sure my steel rod holders are locked down with enough force to precent the rod holders from twisting under pressure
  5. Anyone have an idea of what the lb pull a dipsy diver puts on a rod?
  6. Has anyone had success with 6 inch spindoctors below 50 ft? Normally 6 inch is coho and steelhead in a high diver or off a board down but wanted to know if the lakers and kings respond just as much to 6 as they do 8 or 10
  7. I was going to do short rod inside and going size wise with the outaide rod being my longest and having them increase in height 2 inches each rod
  8. I run an 18 ft boat and wanted to know what would be minimum rod spacing for dipsy rods, i was think 10 to 12 inches but wanted to get an idea for double dipsies at 3 and 1 settings
  9. Has anyone been successful in trolling or12 boards with 30 to 50 sizr jet divers for higher water column browns and cohos?
  10. The main goal is to run 2 dipsy diver rod holders 12 inches apart without the tips tangling
  11. For dipsy dover rods, is there a difference if the rod is parallel to the water line vs having it tilted up 10 to 30 degrees
  12. I have a pair of 8 inch planers and would like to know what size board is needed to handle a 10-30 jet diver on a mag spoon with the board
  13. Lol yeah and my 9th grade social studies teacher back in 2005 told us that the oil would run out by 2013. Can probably put those ideas into the same camp of dilusion
  14. I was thinking my crew and I will go mid september to avoid having to expose our boat out beyond 100 fow. Only thing worse than the high winds from the south sling shoting us out where we needee to be, was going back against the grain when things really picked up.
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