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Everything posted by Trophy22

  1. I'm following back around on this topic. I appreciate your feedback. Does anyone know if there is a simpler way to achieve an autopilot system that bolts on to this helm system i have? Currently have cable assisted power steering on my trophy 2052, Raymarine is telling me i have to either switch this over to hydraulic steering or get an Octopus helm drive? anyone ever convert their trophy 2052 over to hydraulic ?
  2. Hey everyone, I'm new to the LOU.com I have a trophy 2052 WA setup which I have owned for 10 years now. Has the 4.3L runs great, bought it with 100 hours on it. Boat is always dry docked when not fishing, I only use it to fish. I typically fish the south shore. Have had good success fishing over the years, however I was thinking about installing an autopilot unit on this boat. I have zero experience with the products out there. I really just want a system in which I can lock compass heading and fish. I want to get the simplest system possible, however with a smaller boat such as mine, would autopilot work well in rough conditions? I was looking at the Ray marine EV 100 or 200. any help here. thanks,
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