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Posts posted by Thunderjet

  1. Thanks for the help and discussion. I still can’t wrap my head around how a 15 pound weight could so easily and consistently snap a cable rated at 180 pounds. That’s 10 times its max load. I’ve already ordered new cable, 12 lb weights and snubbers. You guys have been a big help. 

  2. That makes sense. Wasn’t a problem until we went to a heavier ball to prevent blowback. I was leaning toward a bad batch because it happened when line is set or when setting line in release. Will reach out to cannon and the snubbers may help. It’s a bit unnerving. Tough to fish without numbers. 

  3. recently lost a fish hawk and ball in two year old cannon wire with a 15 lb  torpedo weight. Should the wire have held ?  Next day lost another ball on a different rigger with same wire. Just doesn’t make sense. Suggestions?

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