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Red Tracker off Sandy this morning cut between two boats that weren’t even 100 yards apart. The guy in front lost two divers, flashers, and meat rigs. There’s just no excuse. We are all in this together…be better.


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  On 7/23/2023 at 10:01 PM, Gator said:

Red Tracker off Sandy this morning cut between two boats that weren’t even 100 yards apart. The guy in front lost two divers, flashers, and meat rigs. There’s just no excuse. We are all in this together…be better.



Sometimes I don’t think people know better although ignorance isn’t absolution. 
Braddocks channel is less than 2.5 feet in two spots between the markers. I don’t go out on plane. Had a guy the other morning pass me heading out on full plane heading out ten yards to my port side. Name of his Thompson in bold letters on his transom lol. Pretty narrow channel. 
Sucks when people do dumb things. Wish I had a dollar for every time someone set up a few hundred yards behind me. 
It’s a big lake. Give folks some room. 

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That was definitely a bad judgement call by that boat. Sucks that they lost gear too. I had that happen to us by a leisure boater last year. It cut right between another boat and myself. 

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Not sure if same boat but I also had a red tracker this morning west of oak orchard cut right behind we while I was fighting a fish luckily he didn’t get into anything


Not the same boat.  This was out of Sandy.  I watched it happen and couldn’t believe it.  I don’t understand why people want to fish that close to one another to begin with.  Rules of the road, common sense and some decency need to be used!


Ugh…It sad to hear that we have folks who either have more boat than brains or too stupid to be helped or are just plain inconsiderate on a body of water as big as LO.  

Here at Lake Anna (central Virginia) we have a great year-round fishery, however, we stop fishing(trolling anyway) after May 1st until late September because the knuckleheads with wake boats, jet skis, and party barges just have no respect for fishermen.  I have actually had two Bevis and Buttheads actually intentionally run at us in wakeboat at turn at about 50 ft from our boat.    Fortunately, we survived and my son actually got a phone video so clear that we were about to report one to DWR and local sheriff’s marine patrol.  They were given a written warning. 


Since I only get to LO once a season, besides common sense what is a good courtesy rule of thumb when out on LO regarding separation distances?  I definitely don’t want to inadvertently “be that guy.”


I will say this , and I have been doing this a long time . 


Sometimes you get pushed to do be places you don't want to be . One boat will be headed one way and the other another and all of a sudden you are in a precarious place  with nowhere to go. Especially with an inexperienced driver  on any of the boats . You really have to look ahead and anticipate what other boats are doing .And even that will sometimes get you in trouble . More than  once I have had to push it up to 6 MPH to get out of trouble  because another boat cut in front of would not give space . 

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I hate traffic…… I will fall on the sword and make the first move way before trouble will start..that stuff gets my blood pressure going almost as bad as the people at the launch that do the silly stuff

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I will try to be “Devil’s Advocate” in this matter.

 I think that we just take it for granted that everyone should know that our fishing boats have lines out that are up to 400 feet behind the boat. Not everyone knows that.

Also, being out on the water causes a certain “awareness gap” and causes the brain to go into a different place.

Many years ago, when I taught my kids how to drive I told them that they should expect everybody around them to be complete idiots and that it is smarter to be wise than it is to be right. 
Using that attitude prevents a lot of trouble and keeps you from being upset when you should be happy 

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  On 7/24/2023 at 8:38 AM, HB2 said:

I will say this , and I have been doing this a long time . 


Sometimes you get pushed to do be places you don't want to be . One boat will be headed one way and the other another and all of a sudden you are in a precarious place  with nowhere to go. Especially with an inexperienced driver  on any of the boats . You really have to look ahead and anticipate what other boats are doing .And even that will sometimes get you in trouble . More than  once I have had to push it up to 6 MPH to get out of trouble  because another boat cut in front of would not give space . 


X2, that has happen to me more once in Mexico bay


I had a guy couple of years ago come up behind me I keep turning to the left and he drove straight for me. We had some words and when I looked it was a charter boat. Some of those guys think they own the water.


I get what everyone is saying. BUT , some fisherpeople are determined to run 400 -500 ‘ longlines and planer boards out 150’ on each side. In traffic that’s a recipe for lost tackle  I think asking for 300 yards (  900 ‘ ) clearance is being a little optimistic. It’s not just you and the boat crowding you. He may have traffic coming up that you can’t see. I try to give everyone a FAIR amount of space. The key word is FAIR. Don’t ask for 300 yards. You won’t get it 


Respect for others goes a long way in life. Unfortunately these days it is in rare supply in our culture.

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Been on both side of this one, more than a few times. Still, nothing compares to running flat lines in the early ESLO days out of Rochester. Between the casual boaters that had no idea what we were doing and the sail boaters....


IMO, If you can see the other guys net up in the air like that, you're too close!  Similarly, there should be a law against Autopilots as some guys turn them on & don't pay any attention to where they're going especially when they're cruising out to the fishing grounds.  I've been nearly run over numerous times by cruisers  

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  On 7/24/2023 at 12:11 PM, Shakemsam said:

Been on both side of this one, more than a few times. Still, nothing compares to running flat lines in the early ESLO days out of Rochester. Between the casual boaters that had no idea what we were doing and the sail boaters....


That brings back memories. The ESLO derbies in the’80’s   There were many times the number of boats out there in those days. And the conflicts were spectacular 😝 and big prizes    and planer boards and long lines were few and far between. I’m not sure I ever saw a planer board in those days.  Squid 🦑 ( hoochis) and dodgers were the lures of choice. Thanks for the memories 


These cases can be avoided sometimes by usage of an air horn. It is loud and gets their attention. 


Yesterday off Sandy as I was going east for a solid 45 min a Lund comes south from the deeper water  in front of me and decides he is going to go west as close as he can get to me on my starboard. I gave him the WTF look as I’m trying to net a fish and he turns south. I truly believe Covid has brought a bunch of new people in and they don’t have a clue. I’ve never seen it so bad the last few years…


In six weeks a traffic jam will start at the pier heads. Just a reminder to larger boats, be courteous to the small boat fishermen. 

  On 7/24/2023 at 4:40 PM, steelhead'r said:

In six weeks a traffic jam will start at the pier heads. Just a reminder to larger boats, be courteous to the small boat fishermen. 


All vessels, regardless of size must obey the rules of the road 

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