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Started inside but water was gin clear east and we moved out to 30-35ft ft and found pods of browns. They hit just about everything you put out there. Had a ix presentation o f plugs and spoons before goint to an all spoon program.  Anything with green was working good along with an old time evil eye yellow/orange. Worked them for a while boating a dozen and headed west to look at new water. Out in front of Hamlin in 50-55 ft of water found some salmon and boated a couple of teenagers on a  DW SS Chicken wing & blue dolpin. 1st kings oof the year and love to hear those reels scream again. 1st king did not like the boat and took 4 different runs as soon as you thought he was done. 2nd one decided to see how many lines he could cross over as he headed to Canada then back to the shoreline. A little mess but no loss tackle. Great day to be out onthe water. 

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