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Went out from Sandy today, lines in at 9:30 out at 2:30 We really struggled fished in 150 to 180 fow had one release on the rigger with nothing there. At 12:30 we were still getting skunked so headed in for lakers getting 6 of them and a brown. doubled on the rigger rod with a laker and a brown on the cheater which was cool. Anyone else have any luck today?

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I took my kids out of sandy this morning. The bite was fast and furious till about 9:00 in 150 to 200 fow. Then it was a grind till about 11:00 when we got back into them east of sandy in 180 fow. Northeast troll was best for us all day. 

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Found good fishing out deeper yesterday off sandy,  meat took the best 3 fish in 350'-425'. Chinook divers back 180-220' and riggers 90-110'. Found smaller fish and warmer water inside of 170'. Finished 9 for 11 solo.  



Edited by zach
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We fished the evening bite, or lack thereof. It was choppy with a NE wind and despite marking some decent bait in 180, we only took six shots between 4:30-7:30, with a mix of skippers and teenagers. Everything was deep between 85-95 down.

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I fished from 3-7pm and got nothing for first three hours out in 180 to 350. Didn’t mark anything. Went in to 120 and immediately got hit on 325 copper then ten seconds later dipsy with FF got hit. I was fishing solo so had to leave dipsy rod alone. Fish on copper broke me off when I was taking planer board off. Fish on dipsy still there but spit the hook back of the boat. First time using Deep Rig Tackle herring strips. Sceptical at first but ended up taking two 19 lb fish with them. Once might be fluke but twice is a pattern so I’m sold.


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Posted (edited)

Its good to know someone was getting them. I'll just have to go again LOL!! I just ordered some deep rig tackle herring strips so I'm looking forward to using them. We were marking them 90-100 down but they were'nt intersted in our riggers.

Edited by reeltrout
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Now I feel 50/50 about our lack of success.


Fished 630–9pm. Most Marks in 140ish fow with few Empty knock offs. Then again in 90-120 fow

tried knocking a laker on the head in 100 fow at last light for the guys with me and found we were dragging a 15” king on a 300 steel. 

at least is was a nice sunset!


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