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Fished a five hour afternoon trip on 6/18,24

Got two rods in the water ans the first one went with a nice king. We started off a little slow, but the first

three bites came down 90 feet on a rigger and we were 2 for 3. Cold water kept rising slowly and we had good action on a diver with 240 ft. out on a 2 setting on a salmon Candy board and a mirage glow fly. We had two riggers that started to fire after 6 pm one down 65 ft and the other down 77 ft. We dropped two good salmon at the net and lost a few

more, had a couple on copper with 450 ft of copper out and a board and fly. Finished the night with three more salmon, a double at the end on dipsies. We went 10 for 20 in five hours and the average weight was around 14 to 15 pounds, we caught one steelheed.

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