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Blood Run Sea Flea with Mag dipsy?

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I’m looking for reports of actual experiences people have had with running the BR Sea Flea mono with Mag divers or divers with the big ring. Heavy flea accumulation ruins the diver rod experience for my customers on the wire rods when fleas are bad so I’m considering spooling up some spare reels with the blood run product I use on my rigger rods starting anytime now. I have been out with a friend who is a recreational angler and who only uses mono on his diver rods so I am well aware of the technique used to ‘release’ divers on mono. 

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Although the SeaFlee line works ok on riggers it also has a lot of stretch so it isn't great for dipseys. When the fleas are really thick even the Sea flee gets some on it. Sometimes when the fleas are distributed intermittently in different concentrations throughout the water column folks think that whatever they are using is avoiding gathering fleas but it may be that they just aren't going through real heavy concentrations in the areas they are fishing. When the fleas are heavily concentrated in condensed areas of the column they gather on just about anything including 200 lb downrigger wire. The spiny fleas are not usually all that bad to clean off usually just shaking wire line for example....it is the fishhook variety that are the really bad ones that adhere like smelly grey cottonwood. I'd say stick with wire and take your lumps Andy:smile:

Edited by Sk8man
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Was the original dipsy divers designed with shallower applications in mind? I always thought it odd that the dive chart that comes with a dipsy is based on 20 or 30 Lb. mono. I think my buddy and I started fishing them with mono when we started trolling for walleyes, and quickly ditched that when we discovered wire. I had braid dipsy's, but I always liked the wire better. Wire dipsy is by far the most violent hit when fishing Kings!

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Several years ago I tried 65# braid on my divers due to it playing nicely with my mono rigger rods when they get into each other from a wild salmon. Does it collect fleas?  Yes, but not any worse than wire when the fleas are bad. I collect the fleas in a loop and pull them off just like wire. Some days I wonder if I am missing wire. Some days I can’t keep the braid divers in the water, so I just keep on rolling. 

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