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Owasco 6/22

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Bit late with the report but hit up Owasco Saturday morning. Me and a buddy were thinking of hitting Ontario out of Mexico that morning but weather was looked iffy so we were hoping to stay dry more towards the south. The didn't end up happening either because we got to Emerson at about 5:45 and were greeted by a quick downpour and about a 5-10 mph south wind. Rain hit on and off for the next hours or so, but we got set up on the north east side of the lake making a trolling south in about 80 fow. Got the first rod down at about 55' with a hinckley 88 that fired before the second rod was in. Fish ended up coming unbuttoned about 10' from the boat but we figured this was a good sign of things to come. Ended up trolling the east side for about another hour and a half with nothing. The skies were getting brighter and we were starting to dry out, but with the humidity as high as it was and the sketchy weather reports, I didn't want to wander too far from the ramp in case we had to run back if a random storm kicked up. They are just fish after all and we were releasing everything today. 


We trolled over to the west side of the lake and found some good marks and some lakers that were willing to play. We had good action from about 9-10 while landing 5 lakers with one double. Fish were still in that 70-90 FOW range and the hungry ones we found were near the bottom. Best of the day for us was a hammerhead glow 2 face cowbell paired with a wonderbread gambler rig. This pairing took 5 fish as the hinckley took 2 others. All bites came on the riggers as our dipseys never fired once and our down speeds were around 1.8 for most the day. The fish were hitting so good for a while that we started changing out set ups and experimenting seeing if we could find some other good combos, but apparently we were cocky and the fish put us in our place by not getting another bite. Called it around noon going 7/8 with the biggest laker being about 6-7 lbs. 


Lots of weeds and grass on the surface, but didn't find any fleas fortunately. Think the limited the success of the dipseys was because every time we pulled them they were green with weeds. Surface temps were around 72F and down 50 was about 50F.  


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On 6/24/2024 at 6:23 PM, lyk2fish said:

Good deal........thank you for a great report.

Posts like yours and others on this site have helped my learning curve tremendously, so I figure the least I can do is to try and tell others what I'm seeing/doing when I'm on the water. While my fishing style and techniques may not be the most effective, I at least try to make them as honest and as accurate as I can. 

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