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Slow morning, set up around 100 FOW and went out to 250 and were not marking bait with only an occasional fish.  Picked up and set up again in 300 FOW and trolled out to 400 with basically a blank screen.  Had a double coming back in at 300 FOW 86 down on the riggers with a NBK and Ghost spoon.  Landed the smaller fish but the major made a 300 foot run and got wrapped in the diver wire rod and lost it.  Hit that waypoint again 4 more times but that was it.  Beautiful morning, always nice to get out with friends, good luck!

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Friday we fished 180-275 off Sandy and it was a blood bath.  80-120 down with meat, and  spoons.  A north troll was beat by far.  We did take steelhead in the same water 60’ and above.  

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