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Escape 6/28 & 6/29 -Monroe County Offshore Classic Report

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Monroe County Monroe County Offshore Classic recap:
Friday we left the dock to fish the species challenge with brown trout as our first target.  We set down East of Sandy in 50’.  We had a screen loaded with bait but not any marks.  We continued in until we hit our first brown in 22’ on a two color core dragging a Froggy glow Stinger Stingray.  We pulled the rods and headed to the area I fished Tuesday.  We set down in 150’ on a North troll.  Once we hit 180’ the rods started popping.  We trolled out to 300 with constant action.  We boxed a decent 18.6 lb king and upgraded our brown in 275 down 90.  We switched gears and put everything higher and targeted steelhead.  In a short time we boated a bunch of steelhead completing 3 out of 4 species for our box.  With hours left, we trolled into laker waters and started farming.  We caught tons of lakers but couldn’t find a good class of fish anywhere.  We settled with a 13lb laker as our 4th species.  Going to weigh in, I didn’t think we would have placed as high as we did.  We ended up second behind first place by .4lbs.!  

We left the creek planning on fishing the 180-275 water we fished Friday on a North South troll.  With a sloppy chop from the East made this fun!  We caught a bunch of kings but also lost a bunch.  We got a tip from a buddy that the kings were stacked in 105-125.  We slid in to those waters just as the wind went South at 30mph!  With the side slip, we went down to 2 riggers and 2 divers.  We crushed the kings a nice coho and a 9lb steelhead again but couldn’t find that kicker big king.  At weigh in, we came in at 13th place just out of the money.  We did end up getting big steelhead prize by default!  I would like to thank Tim Skrip, Brandon White and Mike Dahl for putting on this event!  I would also like to thank my crew on Friday and Saturday!  Fishing with you guys is always a great time even when we don’t place in the money!
Here’s what worked for us:

Stinger Stingrays in Froggy Glow, NBK and Carbon 14 UV

Atommik meat rigs in Shenster and UV Grinch

Rigged Cutbait

Deep Rig Tackle king strips in Lances 2 Face and Mongolian Beef

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