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Took some of nephews out today. Lines in at 9:30 out at 2:00 with a rain delay in between. 5 kings 2 steelhead 2 browns 1 laker. The one brown was a nice chunky 10 lbs. We fished mostly in 90 to 120 fow. Riggers down 65 to 80. Dipsy out 230 with artificial meat took quite a few shots but also dropped quite a few on that one. 300 an 400 copper took fish as well. Had a heavy rain storm come through that we hung out closer to shore for a bit. Does anyone know what to do so you don't get disturbance on the fish finder from motor, when I'm running it higher when going against waves it really screws up my graph? Bottom picture. I do have the noise level on high.

20240706_104841.heic 20240706_130134.heic

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