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Line Getting Caught in Treble Hook

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On a few fish that I caught last week, the line on the trolling fly got caught in the base of the treble hook (tourney tie rig). This has not happened all that often, but I am now wondering if this is something I should be concerned about. Have seen some rigs with epoxy (?) in the base of the hook. Worth the effort? Not worth worrying about? I would appreciate your thoughts.

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When guys say that they got bit off on a fly or a meat rig - its usually exactly that - the line wedges in the treble and then breaks off.  2 part epoxy or JB weld works well.  Salmon Candy makes a hook which already has that gap plugged with epoxy which is another option.  

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On 7/10/2024 at 4:51 PM, VanderLaan said:

On a few fish that I caught last week, the line on the trolling fly got caught in the base of the treble hook (tourney tie rig). This has not happened all that often, but I am now wondering if this is something I should be concerned about. Have seen some rigs with epoxy (?) in the base of the hook. Worth the effort? Not worth worrying about? I would appreciate your thoughts.

A drop of jb weld metal epoxy in between the 3 hooks will eliminate that problem. I haven't sent down a treble hook on a fly in 20 yrs without it. Mix it up and put it in with a toothpick.:yes:

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Just a few days ago I was at my bench and had a meat rig I was messing with . I took the treble upside down  and put a few drops of the clear finger nail polish I use on my jig heads  on it where the hooks come together . It dries fast so I repeated it a few times . Looks good. And it's not bulky.



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I don't know how this will work but

We will find out 


That's 4 coats I think . Takes seconds to do and no mixing . 


Do 5 at a time to be efficient 


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Pretty sure I have lost a fish or two because of this but never bothered getting out the epoxy.  Now that Im reading this, there really isnt a reason not to do this.  I can probably do the majority of the rigs in my "go box" in just a few minutes......


Not sure how I feel about those FishUSA hooks. Seems like overkill to the point that it takes away some of the gap of the hook.....

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