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ProAm Port Fishability

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This weekend is Sodus ProAm, my home port. Normally i stay away but this year i have a service member home on leave for a few days who hasnt caught a salmon before. So i am trying for Saturday but see the ProAm.

I am just looking for feedback from guys who have fished during the ProAms, does it create any problems so to speak?


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No issues - the chute might be plugged up for 15 minutes prior to the start as boats stage there but no issues.  My wife fishes with one of the Sodus ProAm teams and my son, dog and I LOC fish that weekend and its not a big deal as we usually have our boat down there during the Sodus ProAm because we keep a slip in Sodus and Oswego each season - what you'll see this weekend is more like Oswego Fishing traffic on a typical weekend so certainly doable.  Honestly coming back into the bay from fishing weekends in Sodus is usually more problematic with pleasure boaters, regatta's and general bay traffic than anything you will encounter out on the lake.  

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