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Fleas in Lake Ontario (Oswego area) in August

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I have a couple of questions on fleas, as I have been reading a bunch about them and how big of a nuisance they can be.


Are they more prevalent at certain times of the year (Example spring vs summer)?  Or are they prevalent in certain areas? 


In general are they bad around Oswego harbor mid august? 


Trying to see if is necessary to retrofit my gear (adding heavy line) to deter them or whether I will be fine (trolling and dipsy) using lighter tackle.





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They can be an issue for sure - more prevalent the warmer the water is.   Not sure how "light" you plan to go if you are fishing kings but stagers can be nasty and will rip up gear - might be worth the cost to upsize regardless.  30# main on your rigger rods.  Assuming you are running wire for your divers.

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