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I have a seven year old Smokercraft aluminum walk through fishing boat. Never had any problems with water getting in. Last fishing trip noticed bow was sitting lower in water so turned on bilge and a bunch of water came out. Thought it could be a leak in the live well system so when I got home I filled live well tank up to brim of floor and water did go down to the level of the side intake aerator. Tried it again but couldn't recreate it. So next fishing trip I blocked off outtake line at the stern and didn't use the live well like I usually do. Figure this way I can see if its a leak in the hull. Sure enough I got water in the boat. Today I filled the boat with water at the house- no leaks evident. Not a drop of water on the ground. Now I am baffled.  I haven't drilled any holes in the transom. I inspected the screw holes that came when the boat was new, doesn't appear water could get in through that route. I think I've read somewhere where when boat is in the water the pressure could force it into an opening but not enough pressure if you filled the boat with water to make the leak apparent. Don't know if that is true. Any ideas on how I can figure this out?

Also, anyone have any dealings with Smokercraft and their lifetime hull warranty? If it is a leak in the hull or transom I would hope the warranty would cover it.

Thanks in advance for replies.


PS- used a different drain plug to rule out that was the problem.

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You will have to ask yourself a few questions such as was my boat out in the rain,or why is the water in the bow while usually the heaviest part of the boat is near the engine and water would normally travel that way. Or Where is my bilge pump, in the front or the rear? Do I have one or two bilge pumps. If the water only gathered in the front end ,does that mean that the boat is made so that water in the front cannot stream to the back?

Do you test your bilge pump before you go on your way?

Most boats have bilge pumps with float switches that kick in when the water level in the boat rises. Why did your float switch not turn the pump on?

There may well be a loose rivet or seam that allows water in when the boat bounces in the waves. It happens a lot ,but  those leaks only leak when the boat bounces around a bit.

By the way, filling your boat with water while on the trailer can overload your trailer and tires to the point where you might damage your trailer

Edited by rolmops
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Yes , filling the boat on the trailer is not a good idea and when it's in the water , pressure is applied to the hull and any loose rivets . Is it a outboard or I/O ?  Next up is to launch her ,open all access ports and anything else to observe the bottom.of the hull . Might have to buy a boroscope to get into areas that are not visible . Vevor tools has them for around 100 bucks . They articulate at the end , so you can hit a button and it will visually sweep a area up and down . Very clear picture as well . 

Edited by Bozeman Bob
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Forgot to add. Boat is always in garage.

Bilge is in back of boat. It's an outboard. The water was collecting at the back of the boat.

Yeah, filling boat with water now does not sound like a good idea but couldn't figure out another way to find the leak.

May try to re-seal anything that might be leaking and then take her out. Will consider the boroscope but if the leak is towards the bow, no way to know where exactly its coming from.


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I/Os will leak in the bellows and allow water in ,hence the question.  Boroscopes will fit through very small openings and some may have a 4' + cable and lighted , that should get you into most of your closed off sections . Or break out the tools and start removing decks , leak isn't going to fix itself.  Gluvit is what you want to use for sealing rivets ,check keel for tightness as well. 

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Something that comes to my mind is the inlet or outlet hoses on the boat or the clamps for them?   Possibly?

The thing that throws me off is the boat is only seven years old, not twenty.   Yes, rivets can loosen or seals can go at any point but usually occurs on boats older than this one.  Just a thought.   


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My thought exactly. Shouldn’t happen on a seven year old boat. That’s a good suggestion about the clamps. Thanks.

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If you're sitting on a bunk trailer, the leak may be under the bunk board. Weight of the boat pressing down on the bunk keeps it from leaking when you fill it on the trailer. I would put a piece of wood under the back corner under the transom and jack one side up off the bunk a tad bit and check for the leak... repeat on the other side.

Just my .02 cents...

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Definitely thought about that. Will try that if I can’t find the source of the leak. Thanks

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On 7/27/2024 at 2:10 PM, Ric66 said:

I have a seven year old Smokercraft aluminum walk through fishing boat. Never had any problems with water getting in. Last fishing trip noticed bow was sitting lower in water so turned on bilge and a bunch of water came out. Thought it could be a leak in the live well system so when I got home I filled live well tank up to brim of floor and water did go down to the level of the side intake aerator. Tried it again but couldn't recreate it. So next fishing trip I blocked off outtake line at the stern and didn't use the live well like I usually do. Figure this way I can see if its a leak in the hull. Sure enough I got water in the boat. Today I filled the boat with water at the house- no leaks evident. Not a drop of water on the ground. Now I am baffled.  I haven't drilled any holes in the transom. I inspected the screw holes that came when the boat was new, doesn't appear water could get in through that route. I think I've read somewhere where when boat is in the water the pressure could force it into an opening but not enough pressure if you filled the boat with water to make the leak apparent. Don't know if that is true. Any ideas on how I can figure this out?

Also, anyone have any dealings with Smokercraft and their lifetime hull warranty? If it is a leak in the hull or transom I would hope the warranty would cover it.

Thanks in advance for replies.


PS- used a different drain plug to rule out that was the problem.

Just want to be sure I understand your post. You did plug up your intake and drain for the livewell, correct?

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The drain, yes. The intake, no. That will be the next thing I test when I take the boat out again.

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Hmmm… I have an iPhone 11 and it works perfectly.  The only requirement I saw was iOS 9 and above.  I have used it in my boats, cars, and home plumbing and interior of ductwork and walls.

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Re Baffled’s Hidden Leak


My Lund Rebel sprang a leak after many years of use. Nearly lost it at the dock! The cause was the plastic bilge pump intake developing a crack over time. Look hard at all of your plastic fittings.
Years ago my last boat an I O had continual water seepage. 
This time the cause was a small otter biting the rubber bellows at night.  Very frustrating. Nothing seemed to work to deter it.

Old bilge plugs also can be a cause because the rubber degrades over time also.

Years ago one of our know it all lake handyman chose to travel across the lake in spring , in his aluminum boat, figuring the ice couldn’t hurt it. The result was a hole in the bow from the boat being forced thru the ice.

Hope this helps.

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I’m looking closely at the intake and outtake for the live well. Yes, I can see those plastic fittings could easily develop a crack. Thanks for the suggestion 

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