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Theft from Lansing

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Ok so here is the story, A group of thieves in the early morning hours of Sunday stripped some boats of their fishing gear including my very close friend and the man who purchased Indepth Fishing Adventures from me.  They took every spoon, every stitch of gear and items off his boat, other boats were hit but I do not know to what extent.  I originally posted this yesterday but it was in the heat of the investigation and I was asked to take it down to allow time to work.  My request to the community is that you keep an eye out on Market Place, Craigs List, and yes here for a glut of trolling equipment.  Coppers, divers, flasher flies, and Amish outfitter foam spoon cases that were loaded with spoons were among the items stolen, slide divers as well.  Based on what was and was not taken I'm thinking while well organized they aren't likely fishermen and will be looking to sell the gear.  Please don't pepper with too many questions or call the marina.  They have enough to deal with. 


1.) If you leave your boat equipped in a marina rethink it.....

2.) We all need to watch out for each other.


If you suspect something odd reach out to the NY State Police they are running the investigation.


It infuriates me that something like this would happen, let alone be a coordinated effort by multiple players.  And my friend Sk8 .... you are as usual correct!

Edited by Lewis863
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Sometimes folks find out information after the fact that changes their intention of posting.....been there done that.:smile:

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That is terrible. Probably drug addicts. Unfortunately, even if they are caught, you wont get all of your stuff back and they will be processed and let back on the street the same day. Soft on crime leads to more brazen crimes. I still hope that they are caught though. I would be keeping an eye out on ebay, craigslist, and Facebook marketplace. 

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Sorry to hear about it Mark. The worst one I ever heard though was at one of the state parks nearby where someone had a kicker locked to the transom and some scum took a chain saw to the transom to get it. Unfortunately we have folks in our society without a conscience.

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 With the price of everything today that is a tough loss. I was always under the impression that my homeowners insurance policy covered my boat.Come to find out it doesn't.  I took out a separate policy just for the boat. I spread everything out took pictures of everything. Wrote   down serial numbers. Made a day project out of it. 

    I also always thought when trailering the boat it was covered by the tow vehicle not sure on that. Perhaps someone else has that answer.

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I have checked with my State Farm agent several times to make sure that my homeowners policy DOES cover items off my boat, however as I found out when a tree fell on a small trailer I used to haul wood, neither the homeowners or vehicle policies cover trailers. You definitely need a separate policy for those. And of course a boat policy itself is a separate thing, too.

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Here is some standard Homeowner's policy wording:


2. Windstorm or Hail -- However, "we" do not
pay for loss:
a. to property inside a structure caused by
dust, rain, sand, sleet, snow, or water, all
whether driven by wind or not, which
enter through an opening in the structure
not made by the direct force of wind or
hail; or
b. to watercraft or their trailers, furnishings,
equipment, or engines or motors unless
inside a fully enclosed building. "We" do
cover canoes and rowboats while on the
"insured premises".


4. Limitations on Certain Property -- The
special "limits" shown below do not increase
the Coverage C "limit". The "limit" for each
class is the total "limit" per occurrence for all
items in that class.

d. $1,500 on watercraft including their
trailers, furnishings, equipment, and
engines or motors.


Coverage C -- Personal Property
1. "We" cover personal property owned by or in
the care of an "insured". Coverage for
personal property usually on residential
premises of an "insured" other than the
"insured premises" is limited to 10% of the
Coverage C "limit".

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I was just informed they hit the Meyers side as well.  This was a very brazen crew.......to have pulled that off to the degree they did they were organized and equipped to haul a LOT of gear.  I cannot believe that someone somewhere along the way did not see these clowns.  There was a good number of players at least 4 from what I am told.  They were captured on camera, but they knew to keep their vehicle off the premises. 


Back when I ran a charter I had a wifi motion sensor camera on board the boat, If you walked down dock and approached my boat an alarm went off on my phone.  The camera rotated and had speaker capability and a light turned on.  There were times I had conversations with people through the camera because I was concerned about their intentions. 


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All use fishing people will be lookiing out for this stolen goods & you can rest assure that the people who took this equipment will be sorry for messing with the fishing community

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Doubtful. The seller's profile is a young lady who's active online and an avid fisherman (lots of pictures with walleye and salmon) - and the boat she fishes is "Hope Your Ready", which has a history in Rochester, placing in the Offshore Classic. This looks to be a legit listing. Good to keep an eye out though.

Edited by Gator
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Damn, that sucks! I hadn't heard about this until right now. I've kept a boat there for the last 15 years without a single problem. I used to keep a ton of gear locked in cuddy of my previous boat, but not so much much in my current boat.


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This situation prompted me to double-check my boat insurance coverage. I already had a special add-on to my boat policy for fishing gear, but I doubled the amount and it only added a $1.50/year to my bill. I also learned that according to my insurance company, a tackle box counts as 1 item--I wouldn't get paid for each of the lures inside it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

One question, where these thefts at  Private Docks or where they at a Marina. I was about to Dry Dock my boat for the season at a Marina in Derby Ny but it was announced that there would be NO OVERNITE Security Staff. Very few boats dry docked this year. I'm sure this impacted a lot of boaters.I am asking because I am hopeful to fish Cayuga in 2025 and would be looking to slip the boat for most of the season.

Thank you in advance of your response.

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